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It had been two weeks since the kids were moved into the same room. Everyday, pro heroes and some students visited them and brought presents. All Might especially spoiled them with gifts which was his way of apologizing to them. Though they always told him that they forgave him every time he apologized.

It was early in the morning and the room was already in chaos.

"Shut up, Hiroto!" Kazuki yelled.

"You said that stars are real, but I haven't seen any!"

"That's because we haven't been outside!"

The rest of the kids watched as the two boys fought. Soon, it became a pillow fight.

"Ouch!" Miko exclaimed as a pillow hit her square in the face.

All the kids were standing on their beds with pillows in hand and were ready to throw it when the door opened. The kids looked and saw Mr. Aizawa, Bakugo, Midoriya, and Todoroki.

"What's going on in here?" Mr. Aizawa asked, with his quirk activated and a slight glare.

The look on his face terrified the kids, causing them to drop their pillows and quickly hide behind their covers as they trembled.

"I thought he wouldn't hurt us!" Yuto exclaimed, his voice shaking.

"He was nice before!" Ryusei said.

"But he has the same look as Sir whenever he got mad!" Riku said as he held the headphones tighter on his ears.

Mr. Aizawa quickly deactivated his quirk, immediately feeling bad. He had almost forgotten that they were just kids.

"Hey-" Mr. Aizawa began and approached Kotori who yelped and backed up causing her to fall on the ground.

She trembled as she looked at Mr. Aizawa and he felt his heart break as he looked at the terrified looks on all the kids' faces.

Midoriya cleared his throat and smiled, "Mr. Aizawa didn't mean to scare you guys. He isn't going to hurt you, promise."

Kotori looked at Mr. Aizawa, still a little apprehensive to let him approach her.

"You won't take me back there again?" She asked.

Mr. Aizawa looked taken aback wondering why she would ask that.

"You gave me back when I was here before. The doctor hurt me when I got back. You promise you won't?" Kotori asked.

"I would never do that. I didn't give you back, that was Toga. I promise I won't ever give you back to him." Mr. Aizawa said as he knelt down in front of her.

Kotori nodded and stood back up. She climbed up onto her bed with a bit of struggle and everyone looked at the heroes waiting for them to explain what they were doing.

"Today, you guys will be able to eat solid food. The nurses will be bringing in your food soon." Mr. Aizawa said and then left.

The kids looked at each other nervously. The students caught on and asked them what was wrong.

"Nothing!" Ryusei exclaimed, but his nervous gray eyes betrayed him.

Bakugo walked up to him with a scowl on his face causing him to yelp. Ryusei tried to bury himself under his blankets, but the explosive blond got a hold of him.

"Spill it. Why are you so nervous?"

"It's nothing!" Ryusei insisted and waved his arms.

"Don't lie!"

"Please don't hurt me!" Ryusei exclaimed as he covered his face. Bakugo sighed and let go of the kid.


A couple of awkward minutes went by when the nurses finally brought in the food. The kids looked at everything on their tray strangely. They grabbed their spoon awkwardly and looked up at the students who were watching them like a hawk.

They scooped up some of the mashed potatoes and put it into their mouth. They swallowed the bite, and looked at the students who gestured for them to keep eating.

Unfortunately, the kids couldn't hold down the food, their bodies weren't made to eat food. Just as all the kids scooped up a second spoonful, they all threw up.

"Gross!" Miwa cried.

All the kids began to tear up as they continued to throw up. The students scrambled to get buckets or something that the kids could vomit in.

Mr. Aizawa came in to see how everything was going and saw vomit everywhere.

"What happened?" He asked.

The kids looked at each other with teary eyes and then back at the students and teacher.

"We can't eat. We've never eaten anything before, aside from our medicine." Miko explained.

Mr. Aizawa sighed and called the nurses in to help clean everything up. All the kids looked guilty as the nurses cleaned them up and took them to another room.

"We're sorry, please don't be mad." Yuto said as he tugged Todoroki's hand.

Todoroki knelt down in front of the boy and put a hand on his head.

"We aren't mad. We just want to help you guys."

Yuto nodded and continued holding Todoroki's hand.

Unfortunately for Kotori, she still had to throw up. Mr. Aizawa handed her a trashcan and moved her hair from her face as she did.

"Yucky." She said when she finished.

"No more food." Riku said as he tugged Midoriya's hand.

The students and Mr. Aizawa looked at them and sighed. They had to start eating, but they didn't want to force them.

About an hour later, they went back into their room and sat on the bed, waiting for the students and teacher to come back.

"We're going to try something new." Mr. Aizawa said as he pushed in a cart with nine trays on it.

"What is it?" Kanae asked.

"It's soup. It's basically flavored liquid." Midoriya explained.


"You can drink it." Midoriya told them.

They set the trays in front of the kids and watched them.

"Can you stop staring, it's kind of creepy." Ryusei said.

"Oh, um, yeah sure."

They began doing their own thing as each kid scooped a little soup into their spoon and put it in their mouth. Their eyes sparkled and they began eating without hesitation.

Five minutes later, the bowls were empty.

"We're done!" Hiroto said.

"What?!" The students exclaimed.

"It was good!" Kotori said as she threw her arms up.

"Good, eat another bowl!" Bakugo said.

"But I'm kinda full." Kotori mumbled.

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I am."



"I'm sleepy." Riku said as he laid down.

"Alright, you guys go to bed and we'll get you more soup for tomorrow."


The students and teacher chuckled and left the room, happy that they made a little progress.

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