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The heroes and students arrived back late at night. Mr. Aizawa had stayed with Reed in the hospital and a cop escorted Kaminari back to Sir Nighteye's agency where he met with his friends.

"Hey guys." Kaminari greeted them tiredly.

They all turned towards him and waved.

"Hey, how is she?" Midoriya asked.

"She woke up on the way there, but passed out again. She's stable, but she has a fever."

"That's good, I'm glad she's safe." Mirio commented.

They were standing there silently when a cop said he would escort them back. The students nodded and got on the bus they arrived on.

They mostly slept through the ride and once they arrived back at UA, the cop woke them up and they gathered their things and headed to their dorms.

The six first years quietly opened the door to the dorm building and noticed the lights were on. They looked around and saw their classmates looking at them worriedly.

"Thank goodness! We were all so worried!" Mina exclaimed as she hugged Uraraka.

"Where were you guys?! You missed so much!" Sero said.

The six looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Sorry guys, we can't tell you yet. What happened here?" Kirishima asked.

"Ms. Azuma got arrested! It was crazy, but I'm sure they just have the wrong person." Hagakure said.

The six students looked at each other again with wide eyes. Bakugo and Todoroki could tell that they knew something, but they weren't saying.

"Well, we're pretty tired, so we're just going to head to bed." Jiro said.

Iida nodded and pushed his glasses up, "Yes! We should all get some sleep, so we are ready for the day tomorrow!"

Everyone nodded and headed to their own room. Bakugo grabbed Midoriya by the back of his collar and dragged him down the hall and to a corner where Todoroki was waiting.

"Spill it, where were you?"

Midoriya looked nervously between the two and shook his head,


"You're lying. Bakugo, you, and I were supposed to head to the agency today, but they said Endeavor was on a mission. Which is a coincidence since you were also gone today." Todoroki explained.

Midoriya tried to shove his way past the two, but they both grabbed an arm and kept him in place.

"Come on guys! I can't tell you yet, but you'll find out soon, I promise!"

Bakugo and Todoroki glanced at each other before letting go.

"Fine." Bakugo said before leaving.

"As long as we find out." Todoroki said.

Midoriya headed to his own room and collapsed onto his bed. Within seconds he was out like a light.


At the hospital, Mr. Aizawa was getting a refill of his coffee when he heard several screams. He quickly downed the rest of his coffee and ran towards the noise.

He saw the nurses standing outside Reed's door with terrified looks on their faces. Reed was nowhere to be seen in the room, but he could hear the crackling of electricity.

"What's going on?" He asked quickly.

"She woke up and suddenly freaked out! Then she activated her quirk and she's hiding behind her bed." A nurse explained.

Reed in the Wind~ BNHA x OCWhere stories live. Discover now