Caged Bird

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It was late at night when Reed woke up to the sound of banging. She opened her eyes and saw a bunch of buff looking guys coming into her room.

She hid under her blankets, but they were still there.

"Hey, you can't just barge in! She's a patient!" A nurse yelled, rushing into the room.

"Reed, you are under arrest for your affiliation with the League of Villains."

Reed looked around frantically for Mr. Aizawa or Kaminari, but she couldn't see any of them. One of the men moved forward and she activated her quirk, but it was weak. The man simply brushed it off and stuck a needle in her neck making everything go dark.


Mr. Aizawa had quickly returned to the hospital after getting a distressing call from Reed's nurse. He rushed to the room Reed was staying in and found it empty.

"What happened?!" He asked.

"The police or guards from Tartarus prison showed up and arrested her!" The nurse sobbed out.

Mr. Aizawa ran a hand through his hair and let out a deep breath.

"This isn't good..."


"Where is he?! Where's my brother?" A guard yelled in Reed's face.

The young girl cried and cried. She didn't know who he was talking about.

"His name is Tadashi! You did something to him, didn't you?" The man asked.

All For One always found a way to get under peoples skin, especially the ones who guard his cell.

"Don't lie! All For One said that you know what happened, so what did you do?!"

Reed just kept crying. The man got frustrated and kicked the young girl and then stomped on her ankle, causing her to scream loudly.

She's a villain, she deserves this, The man thought.

He gave her one last disgusted look and left. Reed quickly hid under the bed that was in her cell and cried herself to sleep.

I want to go home...


Mr. Aizawa, Tsukauchi, and Gran Torino arrived at Tartarus prison at noon. The underground hero glared at one of the guards once they got inside.

"Where is she?" He asked.

"Follow me."

The group of three followed the guard all the way to the back of the prison. He opened the vault-like door and stepped aside.

"She's dangerous, be careful."

"She's ten." Mr. Aizawa snapped and the three walked in.

"Kotori?" Mr. Aizawa called out.

They heard a whimper and a sniffle from underneath the bed. They watched as two green eyes looked out from underneath the bed with fear written all over them.

"Kotori, come out, it's okay."

Reed scooted back further, refusing to get out. She was terrified, they could see that, and it broke their heart.

"I promise I won't hurt you."

Reed had had enough of false promises. She wasn't going to listen to them.

"I'll sit here for however long it takes for you to come out." Mr. Aizawa said as he sat on the bed.

The guard came back and looked at Mr. Aizawa, "Sir, you can't stay in here."

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