Break Ins and Plans

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The next day when Reed got to school there was a crowd of people blocking the entrance. She wasn't used to crowds and a lot of people made her nervous, but she put on a brave face and walked up to the crowd.

"Hey! You're part of the hero course, right? What's All Might like?" A reporter asked, shoving his microphone in her face. Then more and more people began crowding her.

Tears welled in her eyes as her quirk activated. The reporters' equipment began to short circuit and they began raising their voice.

"Hey, stop using your quirk!" One yelled.

Reed covered her ears as she tried to get through, but they just kept yelling at her. Suddenly her quirk deactivated and she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up and saw Mr. Aizawa glaring at the reporters.

"Leave, you've bothered my students enough today." He said, removing his hand from Reed's shoulder.

"Are you alright, Kaido?" He asked.

She nodded while sniffling and followed him through the school gate. He was able to take a closer look at the girl and noticed the notch in her left ear. It wasn't strange for students to have scars, but the place and size of the notch didn't look like it was caused by an accident. It was too clean of a cut to be an accident.

"Alright Kaido, head to class, the bell will ring soon." He told her.

I'm going to have to keep an eye on her, he thought as he watched the blonde girl walk inside.


After Mr. Aizawa and Ms. Azuma went over the results of the trials, it was time for the class to pick a representative. Reed really wasn't paying attention, so she looked around to see who she should vote for.

I'll vote for Iida cause he wears glasses, Reed thought to herself, but as she looked down at the plain paper, she frowned.

I still don't know how to write.

After a while, the votes were counted and Midoriya and Momo had been chosen. Reed ignored the commotion and headed off when the bell rang for lunch. She took out her bottle of pills and ate one.

"You're going the wrong way." A voice behind her said. She turned around and saw Ms. Azuma. Reed just looked at her and turned back around.

She saw me! It's supposed to be a surprise!

"I'm not hungry." Reed said as she walked away. For the past couple days that she had been at school, she would hide in the bathroom during lunch, but not this time.

Soon an alarm rang and Reed was on the move. She peeked into the teachers' office and saw that it was empty.

I'm super sneaky, I can do this! I just need to break into Mr. Aizawa's files, no big deal.

Quickly walking in she found her teacher's desk due to the giant yellow sleeping bag under it. She clicked onto his computer, which was still logged in, and found the lesson plans for the next day. It was a good thing she paid attention to what Kurogiri told her, because she could not read a single thing.


"Alright Reed, tomorrow you will be breaking into Eraser Head's files. You'll click on one icon that shows a file folder and has these letters under them." Kurogiri explained, tapping on the white board. Reed nodded as Kurogiri handed her a paper with instructions in the form of pictures.

"You can count on me!" Reed exclaimed, her face was blank, but her green eyes sparkling with determination.

"I know." Kurogiri replied and patted the girl's head.


She quickly pressed print and closed out of everything. She picked up the paper from the printer and headed out.

I did it!

Once she got to the hallway outside of the cafeteria, she saw that it was empty meaning that everyone had gone back to their classrooms. Reed hurried to her own class and folded the paper, putting it in her pocket. Once she opened the door, everyone's eyes turned to her. Ms. Azuma narrowed her eyes,

"And where were you?"

"The bathroom."

Mr. Aizawa also narrowed his eyes as he noticed that she seemed perfectly fine. Her hair and uniform was neat, and she seemed calm. He found it strange, since he saw that she hated crowds, but he shook it off.

"Whatever, just get to your seat."


It was finally the end of the day, and Reed was packing up her things. As she was getting ready to leave, Tsu, Uraraka, and Mina blocked her path.

"Hello." She said, The three girls smiled at her as she just tilted her head wondering what they could want.

"Hi! We were wondering if you wanted to hang out before going home." Mina replied.

Reed felt the paper in her pocket and shook her head.

"I can't, I need to get home, goodbye." Reed quickly left, leaving the girls at her desk.

They're pretty like Miko, Kanae, and Miwa, Reed thought as she walked down the hallway.


"I'm back." She announced once she stepped through Kurogiri's warp gate. Shigaraki hurried to her and held his hands out as if he wanted a gift. She dug around in her pocket and took out the paper.

"This is perfect! We'll show them tomorrow!"

"What does it say?"

"Your class will be going to the USJ tomorrow and All Might will be there." Kurogiri explained. Reed nodded before grabbing Shigaraki's shirt and tugging it to get his attention.


"Are you taking a nomu tomorrow?"

Shigaraki shook his head and Reed just nodded. The tv turned on and Reed looked at All For One.

"Actually, that's a great idea. Thank you Reed." He said.

Reed blinked before her eyes sparkled.

"You're welcome!"

She was scared of All For One, but she couldn't help but feel warm every time he told her that she did a good job.

"Also, Reed, tomorrow you will not reveal yourself as being in the League of Villains. You will continue to act as a student, and if faced with villains, you will "defend" yourself." Reed nodded her head.

"Good. Rest well for tomorrow, and do not reveal yourself."

"Yes sir."

Kurogiri opened up a warp gate for the young girl and as she stepped through it he said the words that always comforted her:

"I'm proud of you Reed."

He wasn't saying that because she was able to steal the lesson plans, but because she was enduring the pain and suffering All For One was putting her through. He was proud that she was still holding on.

And he was going to make sure she got out of there.

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