True Heroes

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Reed was back at the bar waiting for Kurogiri to wrap her arms in bandages. She finally heard the sound of Kurogiri's warp gate and when she looked up, she was met face to face with the hero killer.

"Who are you?" Reed asked as she cautiously eyed the sharp weapons in his belt.

Stain faced Reed and looked at her arms that were covered in stitches.

"Who's the runt?"

"Just a nuisance." Shigaraki replied.

Reed frowned and turned away as Kurogiri patted her back and walked to Shigaraki.

Suddenly, Stain stabbed both Kurogiri and Shigaraki causing the young girl to scream.

"You killed them!" Reed shrieked and activated her quirk.

Stain merely laughed and walked closer to her. Her electricity formed a barrier between them.

"What do you think about true heroes?" Reed tilted her head, confused.

"True heroes? What does that mean?" Stain chuckled and attempted to stab her, but looked at her stitched up arms and decided against it.

"Heroes that don't care about fame or glory, but care about helping people no matter what." He answered her.

Fame? Glory?

"Isn't that the point of being a hero? They're always in newspapers and stuff cause that's their job, right?" Reed asked shakily.

Stain scowled and stepped closer.

"You've got it all wrong. Heroes are supposed to help people without wanting anything in return."

"But class A was on the news because of the USJ attack. And the heroes always talk about the media or whatever it's called. That's the newspaper, right? I guess part of being a hero is saving people, but isn't it also about being famous?"

"No, whoever made you think that is a horrible hero. So, who was it?"

Reed deactivated her quirk when she saw the hero killer wasn't making any moves to hurt her and thought for a moment.

"I don't know his name, but he's the fire man."

Stain scowled, "Endeavor."

"That's him!" Reed exclaimed.

Stain clicked his tongue before leaving.

He's kinda weird.


The next day at school Reed found herself sitting with the big three again. She had been sitting with them for the past few days during lunch since she couldn't eat. She was laying down looking at the clouds while the third years talked.

I wonder why Mirio keeps making that face? Is his face stuck like that? Is he planning something bad? Sir only makes that face when he's planning something bad.

Reed sat up and looked at the blonde third year. Scooting a little closer, she poked his cheek, making the third years abruptly stop their conversation and turn to her. Her ears turned red as they looked at her.

"Why'd you do that?" Mirio asked, softly. Reed was embarrassed, so she began scratching her arm to distract herself.

"You're always making that face and I thought it was stuck like that." She explained, her ears still burning with embarrassment.

"I'm just really happy!" He explained. Reed looked up, curiously.

"So you're not planning anything bad?" The third years looked confused with what she said, but they could see that she was completely serious.

"Of course not!" Mirio started to reach over to ruffle the younger girl's hair, but she flinched back. He retracted his hand and frowned.

"Why are you sad now?" Reed asked, seeing the frown. He quickly replaced it with a smile.

"I'm not sad." All of them sat in silence for a little while before Reed spoke up,

"Are heroes supposed to be famous?"

They all looked at her before shaking their heads.

"They don't have to be. Some heroes don't like the spotlight, like your teacher, Eraser Head."

"But, isn't that half of their job? To be famous?"

"No, their job is to help people, and sometimes fame comes with that. Being famous isn't a part of the job, it's a side effect." Tamaki explained.

"Yeah! Even if I'm not famous I'm still going to save a million people, that's why my hero name is Lemillion!"

Reed's eyes sparkled as she looked at the blond male with a blank face.

"Wow! That sounds like a big number!"

"It's always fun to make sure people are safe!" Nejire answered.

Reed looked up at the sky as they sat in silence again.

"I don't know why I'm here. I don't want to be a hero, I'm only here so I can play with my friends again." Reed said, her eyes filled with sadness.

There it was again, alarm bells were ringing, and not just in Tamaki's head, but Mirio's and Nejire's too.

Before they could say anything else, the bell rang and Reed got and left.

The third years looked at each other with furrowed brows and mulled over the girl's words.

"Tamaki, do you know what she meant?" Mirio asked.

Tamaki shook his head, indicating that he had no idea.

"Maybe she just means that her other friends are in the hero courses at different schools, and this is the only way she can see them?" Nejire suggested.

The third years looked at each other before nodding.

"Yeah, that's probably it. We shouldn't worry about it, she just worded it badly." Mirio said with a laugh.

Oh, how those three would soon regret just brushing off the young girl's words.

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