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It had been around a week since the trial and a week since Kotori had been admitted to the hospital for her fever. Mr. Aizawa was watching over her when he got a phone call. He made sure Kotori was asleep and asked the nurses to watch her while he took the call.

Not even five minutes later, the door to her room opened again, and Mr. Aizawa was there. She opened her eyes and tried to see straight, but her fever was making it hard.

"Hey Reed, get up, we're going home." He said.

Kotori didn't really register anything and just groaned as he got her up and pulled the IV out of her arm making her whine. Mr. Aizawa picked her up and hurriedly walked down the steps and to the front.

"I'm checking her out of here. Is there any paperwork that needs to be filled out?" He asked.

The receptionist nodded and handed him two pieces of paper.

"Just sign on the lines then you'll be good to go."

Mr. Aizawa nodded and signed the paperwork and rushed out.

Once they were out of the hospital and a good distance away, Mr. Aizawa began to melt. Soon, Toga stood in the place where he had stood.

"Reed, I'm so glad you're back! Wow, you don't look so good."

Kotori was having trouble breathing and didn't feel good at all.

"Ujiko, we're ready!"

The two of them coughed up black liquid and then disappeared, only to reappear back at the lab.

"I got her!"

Doctor Garaki put a hand on Kotori's forehead and sighed.

"She has a fever. Let's get her in, she should be good in an hour. Afterwards, we'll start the process."


Mr. Aizawa finished his phone call and walked back into Kotori's room. When he looked at the bed, it was empty, her favorite star blanket and kangaroo plushie on the ground.

His heart dropped to his stomach and he began to look around.

"Kotori?!" He called out.

He rushed to the nurses he asked to watch her.

"Where did she go?! I asked you to watch the girl in this room!" He said, pointing to the now empty room.

"We did watch her, but you came back after a minute and said we could leave." One of the nurses said.

"I was gone for five minutes!"

His eyes suddenly widened and he rushed down the stairs and to the reception desk.

"Oh, you're back. Did you forget something?" The lady asked.

"Did someone check out a girl with blonde hair and a star hospital gown?"

The lady looked at him like he was crazy and nodded, "Yeah, you did."

"Can I see the security footage, please?"

The lady looked at him weirdly, but nodded. She pulled up the footage and he watched it. The person carrying Kotori looked like him, but it wasn't him.

"Call the police, that wasn't me." Mr. Aizawa said as he rushed out of the hospital to make phone calls.


The hospital was soon crawling with police looking for any traces of the League. They were taking statements, but they didn't get much since Toga didn't linger or interact with anyone for too long.


The next day, a meeting was held. Mr. Aizawa stood at the front, his eye bags looking worse.

More hero course students were present at the meeting due to the scale of the mission.

"I'll get right to the point. Kotori was taken by Toga yesterday. She's most likely back with the League so they can carry out their plan."

Everyone sat silently, their eyes wide.

"What?! We just rescued her!"

"No, no!"

Tsukauchi walked to the front and pulled up pictures of all the kids.

"After talking to Kotori a couple of weeks ago, I learned that All For One transferred a little bit of his quirk to each of these kids. If what she told me is true, then the quirk will be transferred to Tomura Shigaraki soon."


"Quirks can't be transferred!" Someone yelled.

Bakugo and Midoriya were silent, the latter was sweating due to the topic at hand.

"We've seen that quirks can be transferred since the nomus are a thing. So, I'll keep this short. We need to prepare for a full scale battle and rescue those kids."


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