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Two years later

"Momma come on! I don't want to miss it!" Kotori yelled.

"I'm coming!" Akari shouted back as she hurried down the stairs.

She walked up to her daughter with a smile on her face and fixed the young girl's hair before patting her back.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes!" Kotori exclaimed.


They had reached UA in fifteen minutes. Kotori quickly hopped out of the car and ran to meet her friends.



They all hugged each other and waited for their parents to catch up.

"Okay, let's head inside."


"We'll now begin with class 3A

The kids cheered and hollered making the now graduating third years look at them. They gave them bright smiles and waved.

"I can't believe they came." Sero said.

"Really? They've been talking about it for a week." Todoroki said with a smile as he watched the cheering kids.


After the graduation ceremony had finished the kids waited for their favorite heroes. Once they saw them, the kids attacked them with hugs.

"Will I see you on tv?" Hiroto asked Bakugo.

"Of course you will!"

"Can you say hi to me?"




Bakugo made the mistake of looking at the twelve year old again and sighed, "fine."


"I wanna see!" Kotori exclaimed as she tried to jump and get Momo's diploma.

"Now hold on." Momo said and knelt down.

"So cool!" Kotori exclaimed as she touched it lightly.

Kotori was suddenly grabbed from behind and put onto someone's shoulders. She looked down and saw her brother Eita. She giggled as he walked around and saying congratulations to the students.

He had been interning with Recovery Girl, so he was quite acquainted with them.

"Alright guys, we need to go. We'll see you later!" Eita yelled.

"Kotori looked back and gave everyone a bright smile,


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