Surgery and Recovery

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The next day arrived and Kotori had to go into surgery.

"I don't wanna!" Kotori cried as she clung onto her mother.

Her mother patted her back and gave an apologetic look to the nurses.

"Kotori, it will be okay."

Kotori shook her head showed her mother her arms with tears in her eyes.

"They're going to hurt me like this!" She exclaimed and gestured at her arms.

Her mother looked at all the scars covering her daughter's arms and almost sobbed. She couldn't protect her child, her youngest child from getting hurt, and she felt so guilty.

"Kotori, I promise they won't hurt you. I promise."

Kotori looked at her mother skeptically, but nodded. Her mother carried her out, the same time Hiroto's mother was carrying him out for his surgery.

"Hiroto!" Kotori exclaimed.


The two mothers let them down and the two hugged each other and held hands as they walked. The women smiled fondly at their children and watched as they talked to each other.

"They're adorable." Hiroto's mother cooed.

Akari nodded and saw they were approaching the room.

"Kotori, come on. We'll see Hiroto later, okay?"

Kotori nodded and hugged Hiroto one last time before holding her mother's hand. They walked into the room and saw the nurse waiting for Kotori.

After a quick check up, Kotori taken to another room for the surgery.

"Promise it won't hurt me?"

"I promise."


Two hours later, Kotori was out of surgery and twenty minutes after she had woken up.

Her dad and brothers were back from buying her gifts and preparing her room. They smiled and showered her with love as she ate the little food that she could eat.

When she was done eating, it was time for her to change into a clean gown.

"Alright Kotori, which one?" Her mom asked, holding up two different patterned hospital gowns.

Kotori pointed at the one with stars and her mom nodded.

"Alright, hands up."

Kotori obeyed and her mom took off her old gown. Akari went behind Kotori to get the new gown, when she paused at the sight of her daughter's back. It was horrific. The scars, the fact that she couldn't be there to protect her.

Akari let out a sob and Kotori turned around, concerned.

"Momma, are you okay?" She asked quietly.

Akari quickly put herself together and swallowed thickly.

"I'm fine, I'm okay." She reassured and put the new gown on Kotori.

She carried her daughter out and Eita immediately took her into his arms.

"Time for you to hang out with the coolest big brother ever!"

"To me, you're an annoying little brother." Akihiro said as he followed them out.

"Whatever, Aki."

The three of them walked down the hall when they bumped into Riku, who was with his older sister.

"Riku!" Kotori exclaimed.


The brothers smiled at their little sister and Riku's sister smiled at her little brother. They let them down and the two children immediately hugged each other.

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