The Hospital Again

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"Bring the kids over here!" A medic yelled.

All the kids were passed out with fevers. Mr. Aizawa made sure to keep his quirk activated to prevent them from accidentally activating their quirk.

All the pros and her students kept counting to make sure all the kids were there. They couldn't believe that they had rescued them.

"We finally rescued them..." Rock Lock said in disbelief.

Mr. Aizawa shook his head, "No, we couldn't have captured the villains without their help. They were heroes today."

The medic walked up to the pros making all the students also flock to them.

"They all have fevers and will be rushed to the hospital immediately. They are our first priority."

Mr. Aizawa nodded and turned to his students and the other pros.

"One student and one pro will go in each ambulance. Before that..."

Mr. Aizawa activated his quirk and looked at everyone, making sure there were no villains among them, even if they were all captured.

"Good. Now, let's get moving."

Kotori and the others were loaded up into the ambulances and the heroes and students followed.

"They saved us, we didn't save them." Midoriya said as he looked at Kotori.

"They are heroes." Mr. Aizawa said.


Once all the kids had arrived at the hospital they were rushed into separate rooms. The nurses immediately put them on IVs.

"We have to get a hold of their families and start the sessions to get their memories back. We already have the information on Kotori's family, now we just need to track down the others." Tsukauchi said.

The rest of the police force nodded and went to go find the information.

Tsukauchi let out a sigh of relief and ran a hand through his hair. It was finally over, and the kids were finally back home.


It had been two days since the operation and most of the heroes had recovered from their injuries. All of them were anxious to know the wellbeing of the kids and what happened to the villains.

The UA students were all sitting in a conference room in the hospital, waiting for an update on the kids.

When Mr. Aizawa walked in, they all sat up straight with concerned looks.

"They're fine. All of them have fevers which aren't going down, and we found out that they all have microchips in their neck, so they will have to undergo surgery to have them removed."


After a couple of seconds, the students calmed down and nodded.

"When will we get to see them?" Mina asked.

"Once they're all better and are stable. Now, go to the dorms and rest. You guys did well, I'm proud to call you my students."

Everyone was shocked that their usually stoic teacher complimented them. After the shock wore off they smiled at him and nodded.

"We're proud to call you our teacher, Mr. Aizawa."

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