Chapter 63: Packing (NSFW)

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Preparations to leave kept everyone in the estate busy. Kai and Minda were in the bedroom going through his wardrobe and decided what to pack into the large chest they would be bringing on their journey

"Honey, should we bring thick or thin clothes?"

"Bring clothes that can easily be layered. Some thick and some thin." Kai said. Minda's sensitivity to temperature meant they had to plan for anything. Kai also had Auntie Feifei add several blankets and soft cushions to the carriage to make the journey as comfortable as possible.

After packing everything Minda would need there was very little room left for Kai.

"It's too much." Minda said. Kai had warned him earlier that they would need to pack light yet here he was overpacking. He had books, ink sets, blankets, clothes, and several other items.

"MinMin, it's fine. We have the carriage." Kai said.

It isn't fine. We might have the carriage this time but next time we won't. I need to get used to packing light." Minda said as he started to remove things. He started by taking out all but two books. They were the books he and Kai had been reading together.

"If I need a new book I'll buy it in town." Minda said. Kai wanted to tell him that not every town would have bookstores but decided not to.

"Searching for books might make for an interesting day." Kai mused.

"How often will we be washing our clothes?" Minda asked as he looked at the large pile of clothes.

"Not often." Kai honestly answered.

Minda didn't like the idea of wearing the same clothes for several days without washing. However looking at the big pile of clothes he had to take a few out. He decided to keep several underwear and night robes thinking he would feel less dirty if the clothes that touched him directly were at least clean.

One outfit he regretfully left out was the green one. Kai knew why he had taken it out and once again felt the need to punch General Lei again.

"Let's bring these." Kai said pulling out a matching pair of night robes.

"Are you sure?" Minda asked.

"I'll be the only one to see it." Kai said. Minda was still unsure but Kai didn't want Minda to be afraid to show their love. Not waiting for his answer Kai shoved them into the chest.


After reorganizing the chest and removing several things there was a lot more room and they could now add a few outfits for Kai.

"Honey, what do you need?" Minda asked. Kai grab two outfits along with several pairs underwear and threw them in the chest.

"Is that all?" Minda asked as he started to fold and reorganize things.

"It's more than enough." Kai said.

"Honey, is there anything else you want to pack like a book or..."

"I've already packed my weapons In the carriage for easy access." Kai explained.

"What about my crossbow?"

"It's been packed with the rest."

"What else should we bring?" Minda asked as he rolled around the room.

"Everything we need has been packed." Kai said as he grabbed Minda's wheelchair and brought him towards the bed. Their hair had finally dried after taking a bath and he was ready for bed.

"Wait! What about my medications? I have so many teas, salves, soups, and a ton of other stuff I have to take regularly." Minda said.

"Feifei made arrangements and Doctor Wu sent over a large supply of your medications. We also have copies of your prescriptions so we can stop by any medicine shop to have more made." Kai reassured him as he lifted Minda out of his wheelchair.

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