Chapter 80: Weak

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Minda watched Sir tend to Kai's injuries. As he watched the adrenaline faded and the reality of what had happened was hitting him. Large teardrops ran down his face.

"MinMin, tell me where it hurts?"

"You almost died again." Minda barely whispered. Kai couldn't hear him amongst the crowd of soldiers loudly discussing what had happened. He pulled Minda's wheelchair close so he could better hear Minda soft voice.


Being up close to Kai, Minda could only see his chest. Just like that day in the dungeon. The day Kai had died. At that time he could only see Kai's chest and smell the blood. Like being under a spell he could hear the guards chasing them. He felt the world start to spin. He couldn't breath and memories of the past and present mixed together.

"MinMin, breath."

Minda had started to hyperventilate. Kai tried his best to calm him but Minda was completely out of it. His tears turned to sobbing. Kai pulled Minda out of his wheelchair and cradled him in his arms.

"Kai, take him back to the carriage." Sir instructed when he realized Minda was in distress. Kai didn't need to be told twice. He grabbed Minda and ran back to the carriage.

There was still blood on the floor of the carriage. Thankfully the bed was clean. Kai tried to lay Minda down but he grabbed Kai's robe and refused to let go. When Kai tried to separate Minda sobbed louder. Kai tried to lay down with him but as he leaned over him Minda sobbed louder.

"Don't die." He barely uttered as the tears escaped his tightly closed eyes.

Kai realized Minda was no longer in his right mind. That at some point he had lost consciousness and was trapped in a nightmare.

"MinMin, I'm okay. I'm alive." Kai said. Laying Minda down on the bed wasn't possible. Instead Kai sat down on the bed and held Minda in his arms. He made sure the light from outside could warm Minda's shivering body.

When whispering loving words to Minda didn't work Kai decided to break the nightmare by silencing the world. He remembered Minda telling him about his dreams from when he slept with the earplugs. Hoping they would help Kai places them in Minda's ears.

At first, they didn't work but soon Minda started to calm.  His tears came to an end. He was able to breath again. Holding Minda Kai could feel his body begin to relax as he fell into a deep sleep. Relieved he kissed the corner of Minda's red eyes the salty taste on his lips nearly breaking his heart as he did.


Time seemed to move slowly. Minda had calmed and was quietly asleep in Kai's arms. The noise from outside the carriage began to settle and Kai could see everyone beginning to pack up their belongings.

"I'm coming in."

Kai didn't have a chance to say anything before General Lei opened the door and came in. He frowned at the sight of blood but still stepped inside and took a seat.

"Head wounds are always f*cking bloody." He grumbled.

"Do you have any new information regarding the attack?" Kai asked. It was obvious he didn't want to talk about the blood. Just looking at it made Kai feel sick.

"There isn't much to say at this point. You probably noticed but those bastards weren't your normal riffraff. They obviously had expert training. For them to be showing up there must be a deeper meaning." General Lei said.

"Did the man you were interrogating reveal anything."

"They had a suicide pill and killed themselves before we could get anything useful." General Lei said with a troubled expression.

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