Chapter Two- Miss West and Mr Styles

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Chapter two

Amy's POV

"Morning" I wipe my eyes tiredly as I enter the living room which was full of all the girls in there PJ's.

"It's 1" Grace informs me whilst rolling her eyes and laughing lightly.

"Okay? afternoon yet your still in your pyjamas" I raise an eyebrow and she flips me off before talking.

"Your brother and his hot friend are in the garden by the way" she tells me making me frown.

"Why?" I ask. Klaus had no reason to be here and I can't think of a hot friend he would bring anyway?

"I don't know, they won't leave though" she shrugs before turning back to the tv like the other girls.

"For fuck sake" I mutter under my breath as I enter the kitchen to get to the garden. I open the patio doors to the back yard and find Harry and Klaus say with the legs dangling in the pool as they laugh loudly about something.

"Klaus out now!" I yell at him pointing to the door catching both of there's attention.

"Good morning to you too" he says sarcastically as they both stand up from the pool and make there way over to me by the door.

"It's the afternoon you idiot" I fold my arms over my chest. The small black crop top and grey joggers were not keeping me warm at all and I knew for a fact that I looked like shit.

"Oh come on lighten up, I just wanted to check that you got home alright" he says. My eyes meet Harry's as he stands a little behind Klaus mouthing 'don't say anything' to me. I'm guessing he just doesn't want Klaus to know about Harry taking us home because Klaus thinks we all hate each other. Makes sense really.

"Like you'd care anyway" I roll my eyes.

"Where's Jade?" He changes the subject.

"Why? Are you going to bother her too?" I laugh lightly. Why the hell would he want to see Jade?

"No" he scowls at me.

"Then why do you care where she is?" I inquire, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't-"

"You told me you thought she was hot" Harry cuts him off. I look at Klaus in disbelief.

"What?" I seethe.

"Dude, what the hell?" Klaus looks at Harry in disgust and Harry holds his hands up in surrender almost.

"Sorry I-"

"Wait you like Jade?" I cut him off.

"No I don't-"

"Yes he does-" Harry tells me making Klaus glare at him once again.

"What the fuck Klaus?" I yell at him whisky hitting him in the chest lightly.

"What? I don't like her, Harry is just winding you up!" He tries to tell me causing Harry to frown.


"Harry!" Klaus yells at him.

"Sorry" Harry sniggers.

"I can't believe this" I shake my head.


"Klaus please stay away from her? She's my best friend and your my brother and its just weird" I cut him off.

"Fine, I don't like her anyway I told you" he says defensively before pushing past me and walking into the house. I sigh and shake my head before noticing that Harry still stands in front of me.
"How long have you known about this?" I ask him before running my fingers through my hair.

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