Chapter Forty Five- New Things

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*Hi Guys, just a quick thank you to everyone reading this book. I'm loving all the feedback positive and negative as it makes me a better writer. Please feel free to leave comments where ever! Thank you for your support! I hope you like this chapter x*

Chapter 45

Amy's POV

"Harry?" I mumble as my eyes flutter open. I look seeing him looking down at me, almost in panic.

"I'm sorry- I was just leaving" he stutters as he slowly starts to back away from me. Seeing him after having time to process everything really had helped. I had a clearer head. I was calmer and was in the process of making the next move.

"Oh" I say as I sit up slowly leaning back against my head board. I didn't think he would come after me at all. I was harsh and upset when we argued and who can blame me? I didn't know how to react when I found out what he had done.
"Harry wait-" I stop him as he gets to the door. I don't know why I stopped him but I just didn't want him to go. I didn't want to leave things on bad terms. I wanted him but I needed to get over what he did first.
"Close the door on your way out" I want to slap myself straight after I said it. I'm such a bitch. I watched his expression fall before he turns back around, he opens the door and leaves shutting it behind him without a single word. I sigh as I realise that was probably my only opportunity to make things right and I blew it. Why was he even in here anyway? I look around me not remembering putting myself to bed. I look over the bed noticing all my pillows on the floor. I never took the off I just moved them to other side of the bed. Harry only ever took them off my bed because he hated them. He must of put me to bed. After everything, he still checked on me, put me to bed and put up with my shit. Even after I threw a gnome at him. I sigh getting up out of bed before grabbing my brush from the dresser. I started to brush my wet hair trying hard not to think about him. Which proved to be impossible.

I didn't know what the think. I wanted to forgive him so bad but how could I? He used me for money. He built everything we had on his own lies and had no problem with doing that. But he loved me. He loved me and I didn't say it back. Before I could let my thoughts wander further the door swung back open revealing a frustrated looking Harry before he slammed it behind him.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I mean I don't know what else I can do to show you that I'm sorry! I want you more than anything. I know I'm a Fucking asshole and I don't deserve you but I'm selfish and I want you anyway. I've never in my life felt this way about someone and I'm not willing to throw it all away just because your stubborn and won't let me speak. Your an asshole, you take too long to get ready, your showers waste so much water it gives me anxiety, your music taste is horrendous and your singing is even worse. You are the most picky eater I have ever met in my life, you can't drive for shit and you choose coffee over tea which drives me insane. I could pick a number of things that drive me insane about you but guess what? I still love you. I love you because of those things, I wouldn't change them for anything" he says seeming awfully frustrated. My heart just melts at all the words he now is saying to me. I had my doubts that he didn't love me but this wasn't helping that case at all. He took a few steps towards me leaving about 2 foot between us.
"What I'm trying to say is that, you may be angry at me and upset over what I did but you have to understand that when I did that I didn't know you, I didn't understand you, hell we were barely even friends. I did it and it was a mistake, a huge mistake that I wish I could take back. But through my mistake I got to know you as a person, on a different level to the point where I wanted to be around you 24/7. I know that you want to stand your ground and not show any weakness because I know exactly how you think. But trust me, just because you forgive someone for wronging you, doesn't make you a weak person. Sometimes you have to forgive people, especially the people who love you and who you care about" he says as he takes another step closer to me. I can't help but look away from. He knew me too well. That is exactly how I am feeling and he knew it without me saying a word.
"You know I'm glad everyone found out about us, maybe not in the way that we would preferred it, but it happened and now we start from here if that's what you want... We have nothing to hide, no more secrets or lies that's it. Just us, fuck everyone else, let it be just us. Isn't that what you want?" He asks causing me to look up at him. In the moment he was putting me on the spot I felt like I couldn't breathe I felt like nothing I could do right now could get me out of the situation.

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