Chapter Sixty Eight- Lingerie

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Who's side are we on so far?
Amy's or Harry's?

Chapter 68

The next day

Harry's POV

"I'm gonna miss you my sweet" My Mum embraces me into a hug as we stand in the airport.

"Gonna miss you too Mum" I mutter into her neck before kissing her on the forehead. Today was the day they were leaving and I had to admit, I was gutted. Gemma was in the bathroom as there plane was not ready yet and they hadn't checked it.

"Please call me Harry, you always say you will but you don't" My Mum says as I pull away from her seeng tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I will don't worry" I say and she nods.

"Remember what I told you, that place isn't going to wait around Harry- you need to make a decision still" she says and I sigh. The thought of that was stressing me out. I still hadn't told anyone but yet I didn't know what I was going to do and until then I had no reason to explain myself or plans to anyone.

"I know" I sigh.
"I have things to sort out first" I say and she laughs lightly.

"You mean your relationship?" She raises an eyebrow at me. What? How did she even know about that?


"Oh Harry I'm not stupid- I know a broken heart when I see one" she rubs my arm comfortingly but I still feel deeply confused. She knew about me and Amy's troubles this whole time? How?
"I don't know what's gone on but you need to fix it" She says sternly and I frown. How did she know I was the one who needed to fix things? Was I that much of a fuck up?
"That girl may be the best thing that has happened to you for a long time" she says and I sigh looking away from her. I had nothing to say. At all. Just a lot of thoughts.
"Your different Harry, I can see it" she says as reaches up to my chin turning my head back to her.
"Your better than you were before" she says and I frown.

"I don't understand..." I sigh.

"You've warmed" she smiles at me lovingly.
"You've become much more caring and loving Harry and I see it most when your around her" she says and I sigh shaking my head. I didn't need a lecture right now. I was still pissed at her. I didn't want to talk about her right now.


"I'm not going to intervene or get involved but trust me" she continues and I roll my eyes causing her to frown shaking her head at me.
"Don't give up on someone you care so much about, I made that mistake with your Father and I will always regret it" she says as she looks to the ground and I frown. She still loves my Dad? What?
"Don't make the same mistake I did" she says as she flashes me a sympathetic smile.

"But your with Robin now..." I trail off not really seeing the point she was getting at.

"Yes and I love him, but never as much as I did your Father" she says. I frown at her words. She never spoke about my Father that much. I didn't know the reason behind there divorce but I knew it wasn't up for discussion. Sore subject I guess?
"As I do your Father" she corrects herself. She still loved my Dad. She always had. Yet she never said anything.

"I didn't know..." I mutter and she laughs lightly.

"No I know.. I don't want you to make the same mistake I did" she says as she looks down at the ground briefly shaking her head. I didn't know what she was referring to but I didn't want to push it.
"I saw you gave her your Father's ring" she says and I feel his weird feeling in my chest for a second. Was she mad at me for doing that?

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