Chapter Eighty Four- Method Behind The Madness

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Double update should happen tonight! -A x

Chapter 84

Amy's POV

"Excuse me" I say as I push my tray out standing up catching the whole tables attention. I couldn't sit here any longer. Why was I so stupid to think for a second that he may actually stay? How fucking wrong could I have been?

"Amy-" Eva looks at me sympathetically as everyone else slowly catches on as I gather my things as quickly as I could.

"I need to go see Mrs Everly, I'll catch you guys later" I say as I step over the bench grabbing my bag as I avoid all eye contact with anyone. I didn't want to cry. I wasn't going to cry. I had no more tears. None. I was just empty. Empty of everything. I felt like I was just trapped in my own body battling with my heart and head. Sympathy was the last thing I needed or wanted from anyone. I was fine. I knew exactly what I had to do now.

"Oh Amy I didn't-" Niall looks at me in realisation as he lets go of Eva standing up straight.

"See you at home" I cut him off looking to the girls with a short smile before I turn away from them without a second glance. As I walked away all I could hear was them.

"Niall!" I heard Eva shout at him followed by some mumbling from a few of the others before I heard Niall speak.

"Sorry I wasn't thinking-" he argues just as I get out of there ear line. I couldn't hear them anymore as I pushed open the canteen doors. I held in my tears as I pushed my head up high sucking in my pride as in walked down the hall. By now the halls were a lot quieter barely anyone around, I was glad.

"Hey Amy wait-" I could hear Niall's voice follow me down the hall. I didn't want to stop for him nor was I planning too after what he just said.
"Wait-" he steps in front of me and I instantly put w brave face on. I hadn't spoken to Niall since that night, nor had I really spoken to any of his friends. I literally went to classes and work and went home.

"Are you okay?" I smile at him falsely. He instantly frowns looking at me weirdly before shaking his head.

"What? Yeah, yeah I'm fine- I just... are you?" He sighs scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Great actually" I nod pushing past him as I carry on walking. I didn't want him to mention Harry but I knew he was about to. I could just feel it.

"Woah-" He catches up to me walking alongside of me.
"Wait- I just Uh.. I'm sorry, for that back there I wasn't thinking" he says just as I get to my locker. I turn the lock on the pad twisting it till it until it unlocks.

"It's fine" I sigh as I open the door. My eyes quickly go to the small bag full of white powder that I hid in my locker earlier this week which I choose to cover with one of my books before Niall could see. That was close. I forgot about that.

"He hasn't talked to you yet has he?" He asks as he leans against the lockers beside my own. I wanted to roll my eyes and end the conversation there and then knowing full well who he was referring too.

"Who?" I ask not giving him any eye contact.

"Harry" he frowns as I glance at him.

"Oh- no" I shrug stuffing my last book in my locker.

"I told him too, he just doesn't listen-"

"It's fine, I'm good" I slam the door to the locker shut cutting him off as I smile falsely at him.

"No it's not fine, you don't know the full story, I told him-" I roll my eyes cutting him off. Full story? Clearly Harry didn't think to tell me the full story. He didn't even give me a reason as to why he was even leaving. I mean I had to find out for myself didn't I? What should I do expected?

"Niall you shouldn't have to tell him anything, if he wanted to talk he would of done it by now and he hasn't. I get it- I just want to move on, Alright?" I spin around heading away from him as I tighten my grip on my bag strap.

"What? No! Move on? Are you serious-" he pulls my arm stopping me causing me to become irritated.

"He can't expect me to wait for him Niall, I'm done playing this game with him, I'm can't do it- I'm so exhausted fighting for something that isn't even there anymore" I sigh and he frowns looking at me in shock. I huff looking down at the ground feeling different emotions flood my body as I speak.
"He's leaving- maybe it's for the best" I say, almost as if I was trying to convince myself of that too. I turn to walk away from him but he grabs my arm again.

"How can you say that? You love him-" he frowns and I pull my arm back with anger.

"It's not always enough!" I snap raising my voice at him as I stop abruptly. I notice a few people start to stare at us making me realise what I had just done. I look to Niall noticing him giving me a sympathetic look.
"I'm sorry..." I whisper looking down at the ground in shame at what I had just done.
"I just- please leave me alone" I shake my head walking away from him wanting to just run from him. I could believe I just snapped at him.

"You know you sound just like him" he laughs as I hear his footsteps follow me. I didn't understand why he was still trying, I thought I had been enough of a bitch to him today but clearly not.

"Niall please don't" I sigh shaking my head as he catches up to me.

"Amy, he's leaving, you really want to leave you relationship like this whilst he moves thousands of miles away?" He laughs in disbelief and I roll my eyes. Did he really think this was my choice? That I actually asked for this to happen.

"That's his call, not mine" I snap and he steps in front of me stopping me instantly.

"Don't do that" he says and I push past him instantly.

"Do What?" I roll my eyes.

"Shut me out" He says as he grabs my arm stopping me.
"Shut him out even- you need to talk to him, at least get some answers, closure you know?" He says and I frown, looking away from him. Closure? Harry clearly didn't think I deserved that.

"Why do you care?" I snap as I pull my arm back from him.

"Because your my both my best friends and I can't watch you both just self destruct, I won't let it happen- just please, talk to hi-" He says as he gets cut off.

"Horan!" Coach Bolton shouts from across the hall grabbing our attention.
"Why aren't you in the gym?" He snaps as he holds the clipboard by his side.
"I'm sure your girlfriend will see you later" he says making both our eyes widen. Girlfriend? Oh my no. I nearly laughed.

"What? Oh-" Niall looks at me with a shy smile making me laugh lightly shaking my head.
"No! No! This is Styles' girl coach I was just-"

"Styles? He's late too, are you both trying to piss me off today?" Coach snaps at Niall making me snigger. I almost corrected them both but decided now wasn't the time. They probably wouldn't care anyway.

"Sorry coach-" Niall laughs lightly shaking his head before he turns to me. 
"I gotta go, just- just think about it okay?" He smiles as he leans in kissing me on the cheek before backing up.
"There's always method behind the madness, remember that!" He yells across the hall as Coach pushes him into the next hall making me laugh lightly.



1- What did you think of this chapter?

2- Did you pick up on what Amy was hiding in her locker?

3- What do you think about what Niall was saying?

4- Do you think Amy is dealing with everything the way that she first portrayed it, or is there more behind it?

5- Do you think Harry should of gone after her?

6- What do you want to happen next?

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