Chapter Eighty Nine- Our Song

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Update for those asking-
Harry is 22
Amy is 19
Jade is 21
Klaus is 22
Niall is 23
Eva is 20

Also Happy Birthday Kimmylouise_88 , hope you have the best day! Xx

Also Happy Birthday Kimmylouise_88 , hope you have the best day! Xx

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Chapter 89

Amy's POV

"What time are you going to your parents?" Eva asks as she sits down on the couch next to Niall who was watching TV. Eva immediately puts her legs over Niall, looking over at me. I sat on the couch with Harry curled up into my chest, sprawling his long legs with mine, as he tightly wrapped his arms around me nuzzling his head into my chest. He was sleeping soundly for about a half hour. After we showered and kinda had sex three more times, we were both absolutely exhausted. I was supposed to be at my Mom's about an hour ago but Niall and Eva asked us if we wanted to watch a movie with them and that's how we ended up down stairs on the couches. Harry wore nothing but his boxers saying he was boiling as I wore his t-shirt and some joggers.

"I text my Mom that we would be there around 5, she wanted me to go all day but I'm so tired, I can't" I sigh as I twirl one of Harry's curls around my finger gently as he snores softly. My Mom was a little annoyed I wasn't coming to her's all day but I said Harry had some stuff to do that's why we were going to be a while and she believed me.

"I wonder why your tired?" Eva smirks teasingly making my cheeks flush slightly.

"Amy do tell me-" Niall turns his head to look at me with a cheeky grin.
"How many times did you guys fuck this morning?" He smirks and I feel my jaw drop open in shock.

"Niall!" Eva hits him in the chest in shock. I actually couldn't believe he had asked that.

"What? I'm just curious because I definitely heard you at least twice" he laughs lightly and I feel my cheeks start to heat up. We weren't that loud surely?

"What? No we aren't that loud-"

"Yes you fucking are!" Niall laughs cutting me off laughing as I shake my head.
"Eva help me out here..." he turns to her still laughing causing her to sigh.

"You kinda are a little loud" she says to me and I roll my eyes. We were not. I'm sure of it.

"I'm not surprised though babe, Harry is huge" Niall winks at me playfully and I frown. What?

"How would you know?" I fire back at him raising my brow as he rolls his eyes at me.

"He walks around naked for a living, I think I fucking know" he says and I roll my eyes not being able to catch him out.

"I don't want to talk about this..." I sigh shaking my head as Harry stirs slightly against my chest.

"He is big though, I feel sorry for you" Niall says and my eyes widen. He did not just say that.

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