Chapter Forty Eight- Did You Forget My Bestfriend?

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Chapter 48

Amy's POV

"Amy, ¿sabes a qué hora llegarán Klaus y Jade? Le dije 6 pero realmente no parecía muy interesado en lo que le estaba diciendo (Amy do you know what time Klaus and Jade will be getting here? I did tell him 6 but he didn't really seem very interested in what I was saying to him)" I hear my Mom ask as she sets up the dining room table. I sit on the counter behind Harry as he stands in between my legs with his back to me as I drape my arms loosely around his neck. Rain, My Dad, My Mom, Elijah and his girl friend Amelia were all stood round the kitchen with us as we waited for Klaus and Jade to get here. I have to admit I was nervous to see Klaus but I knew it had to be done.

"No mamá, no he hablado con él. Jade dijo que estaban llegando (No mom, I haven't spoken to him. Jade said they were coming though)" I say and she nods.

"What did she say?" Harry whispers as he turns his head to look at me.

"She was asking what time Klaus and Jade were coming" I tell him leaning down a little, his curls brushing my cheek slightly.

"Oh" he hums before turning back to look at everyone else.

"Are you nervous?" I ask him causing him to spin around in my grasp. He places his hands on my thighs as he looks at me. Still I was smaller than him sat on the counter only by a little.

"Are you?" He fires back raising an eyebrow as he smiles slightly.

"A little" I shrug and he nods.

"Me too" he admits.
"You don't need to worry, if he's pissed at anyone it's gonna be me" he sighs looking down at little. It made me upset that Harry was getting this down about things with Klaus. I just wanted this to be over for him. I wanted Klaus to move on. I wanted him to have his best friend back.

"It takes two to make this kind of mess" I say but he shakes his head.

"I know but you kinda get a free pass cause your family, I don't" he says and I sigh. It was kinda true but I wasn't going to admit that. Klaus was stubborn but I was family and he was bound to stay angry with Harry over me just because that would probably be easier for him. I didn't want to tell Harry that though. I wanted to comfort him and try to reassure him even if it wasn't true.

"That's not true-"

"Hello? Oh hi guys" I'm cut off by the sound of Jades voice ring through the hallway and then into the kitchen. I feel my heart skip a beat when she speaks and I know Harry probably was just the same. I let go of him and he turned himself round to face everyone. I see Jade in the cute little baby pink dress on like she did before, her little bump slowly starting to appear making it seem all the more real. My Mom goes over to her instantly along with my Dad as they both engulf her into a small hug just as I see Klaus walk in.
His eyes immediately catch my own, I expect him to say something but he doesn't. He just looks away. He acts like we don't exist. I didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing. I watch as Klaus goes over to Elijah, Amelia and Rain greeting them before my parents as Jade comes over to us as Klaus talks to my parents.

"Please ignore him, he's being so childish about this whole thing he won't even talk to me about it- I tried, I'm sorry" she apologies as she gives Harry a small hug.

"Thank you, you did your best don't worry about it. We can handle it from here" I tell her as I jump down from the counter engulfing her in a big hug. I appreciated her efforts with Klaus even if they turned out to be no use. She cared and I couldn't ask for anything more.

"Okay now you guys are here, let's have dinner we don't want it to get cold" My Mom says to everyone as she gestured towards the table. Jade goes over to Klaus whispering something to him that he rolls his eyes at before he pulls the chair out for her to sit on, before sitting down beside her. Rain takes her seat opposite Amelia and Elijah sits beside Jade leaving our only option to be opposite Klaus and Jade. I decide to suck it up and step in front of Harry who seems to be awfully hesitant before walking over and taking the seat in front of Klaus as Harry sits beside me. No words are exchanged or awkward eye contact made as we sit and wait for my Dad and Mom to put the food out. My Dad then takes a seat at the end of the table beside me as my Mom does the same on the opposite end of the table.

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