Chapter Ninety Two- Friday

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So as you can tell this book is coming to an end, I would say only like 1-3 more chapters left? I'm not sure, but here's a long ass chapter for you guys!

Book 2 is in the works btw - A x

Book 2 is in the works btw - A x

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Chapter 92

Harry's POV

"I broke up with her" I sigh as I drop my keys down on the kitchen counter before sitting on the stool, rubbing my hands over my tired eyes as Niall stands in front of me with a hot dog looking utterly shocked.
After I snuck away from Amy this morning I vowed that I wouldn't go back. I couldn't. Last night was hard enough for me. Seeing her cry and feeling her tears drip onto my bare chest was enough heartache to last me a lifetime. I hurt her. Again. Like I always seemed to do, even trying to do the right thing- I hurt her.

"What?-" Niall's jaw hits the floor in shock as he looks at me, his expression quickly turning into confusion and what I think was anger.
"What the fuck is wrong with you? Why the hell would you do that?" He snaps at me narrowing his eyes at me.

Why would I do that? Maybe because I love her? Maybe because I had to? Maybe because I loved her so much that I had to let her go. Even if she didn't know it yet, but I was doing the right thing.

"I had to" I go with, grumbling into my hands as I lean my elbows against the counter.

"Uh no-" he spits looking at me like I was fucking deluded.
"You didn't" he frowns and I roll my eyes.


"No don't you 'Niall' me-" He says as he throws his hot dog down onto the plate in front of him. I roll my eyes at his behaviour. Of course he wouldn't understand.
"I've had it up to here with you Harry!" He yells at me.
"I was trying to help you and you go fuck it up and do the opposite of what you were supposed to do! You were supposed to apologise for being an asshole-"

"I did" I argue and he laughs in disbelief.

"What, by being an even bigger asshole? Oh fucking good one!" He yells at me and I roll my eyes.
"You know that girl is so fucking in love with you and your just taking it for granted! Even Eva doesn't look at me like Amy looks at you! I Fucking wish she did but she doesn't! But Your throwing away probably the best thing that has ever happened to you because you can't do long distance? Is that it?" He snaps at me and I sigh. He really didn't understand.

"I need to do this" I shake my head as I play with the rings left on my finger.

"Why? Give me one good reason why you would break up with her?" Niall snaps just as the kitchen door opens making my eyes widen as the last person I could possibly imagine walks in.

"You broke up with my sister?" Klaus gapes as he enters the room narrowing his eyes at me as he holds Joseph in his arms. He looked different. Had his hair cut, clean shaven, even had a shirt and slacks on. This wasn't the Klaus that fought with me in this very kitchen months earlier.

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