Chapter Ninety Five- Ghost

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Btw this is the Ghost teddy if you don't watch GOT ^

Here we fucking go, last chapter for Brother's Best Friend. I hope your ready.
I love you all and can't thank you enough for all the support you've given me through this book, I'm so excited to make a second for you literally you don't understand.
Anyway, for the last time- Brother's Best Friend

 Anyway, for the last time- Brother's Best Friend-A

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Chapter 95

Harry's POV

Last night was not exactly what I thought was going to happen. I didn't really go in with a game plan, I just wanted to see her. I just wanted to give her the record. I knew she wouldn't open it yet because she doesn't have a record player, I knew that. But anyway, when I saw her last night, I just felt like everything around me just slowly faded. Just slowly didn't matter anymore. After feeling like the world was against us through everything, I finally felt different in that moment. I knew everything that happened last night was just because we were both leaving, or I was leaving soon that is. I guess it was the only chance we get to have what we have without having the intrusion of everyone else and everything else for that matter.

I stir in my sleep feeling hot and bothered with all the covers and sheets pulled all over me. I huff in frustration kicking some of them off of me before rolling over to the right hand side of the bed. I reach over and frown when I felt nothing.


I frown opening my eyes slightly seeing that her side of the bed was vacant. I look up sitting up seeing nothing out of place, except her.

She wasn't here.

Her clothes were gone from the bedroom floor, her phone wasn't on the side like it usually is if she goes for a shower or goes to make some breakfast. And by breakfast I mean burnt toast. She usually leaves the cooking to me, which I do not mind. I throw the covers off me as I stand up grabbing my phone off the side.

It was 2:30 pm.

I had slept nearly the full day, what the fuck? How? I remember setting an alarm last night for 11:30am because I was going to go to the charity shop to drop off some stuff I wasn't going to be taking with me to England. How could it of just turned itself off? I find my jeans after routing around my draw for a second, pulling them up over my boxers. I buckle up my belt and ruffle my hair slightly as I now look into the bathroom mirror, ready to brush my teeth.

Once I finished brushing my teeth I make my way down stairs, not bothering to put a shirt on because let's face it I was probably gonna find her eating breakfast and I knew she would appreciate the view. I'm kidding, but still.

I walk into the kitchen passing Louis, Liam, Klaus and Zac as they all sit playing video games in the living room. This was the first time I had seen Zac in a while, and I hated him nonetheless.

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