Chapter Seventy One- 102

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Chapter 71

Amy's POV

I fall back onto the bed with Harry climbing on top of me as I laugh lightly before he presses his lips to mine. I felt my skin tingle under his touch, his hands roaming my body as my tongue tangles with his as the kiss becomes heated awfully quickly. I missed moments like this with him. Feeling close to him. Feelings as one with him. Just being with him. I just needed him and now I finally felt like we had each other. Not just he had me or I had him. We were on the same page. We were with one another and I couldn't feel anymore happier. I feel his hands linger on my thighs as he lay in between them. I felt like my body was on fire, every inch he touched was burning with excitement and fire. I loved it. I craved it. I had it.

"Please tell me you didn't run over here in just this" He mutters into the kiss as he pulls away for a second. His fingers trail down the centre of my chest before connecting with the baby pink ribbon wrapped around my waist.

"I didn't have time to think when you ran off" I whisper to him as he kisses me softly.

"You do look awfully sexy in it" He says as his eyes rake up and down my body hungrily. He smiles into the kiss and I can't help copy.
"Gives me a hundred and one ideas of what I could do to you in it" He whispers to me brushing his lips with mine as he smirks into the kiss.

"Just a hundred and one?" I smile raising a brow at him.

"Mmmm..." he kisses me with a smile playing on his swollen pink lips. I giggle before taking his bottom lip in between my teeth making him groan rolling his hips into mine making me gasp.
"Mmkay- a hundred and two" he mutters teasingly.

"You talk a big game" I pull back and he laughs lightly.

"You know I have a big game" he smirks as his lips press sweet kisses along my jawline making me tilt my head back in pleasure.

"Mmm can't quite remember..." I tease as he sucks on a certain area longer than the rest making my back arch from the pleasure he gave me.

"Do I need to refresh your memory?" He smirks against my skin.

"Mmmm..." I hum as I feel him chuckle against my neck. He trails his kisses down my neck and onto my chest making gasp as his hand cups my breast firmly as he looks up at me placing a sweet kiss to the centre of my chest.

"Jade did well... how did she know I liked lace?" He says as he looks down as my attire.
"Or did you pick this one?" He smirks looking down at me as he grips my hips firmly, teasing me.

"She's a good friend, what can I say?" I play along knowing full well that I knew Harry liked lace. Jade didn't need to know that though.

"Mmm really good friend" he plays along as his finger runs along the edging of the lingerie covering my breast.
"Please tell me you have more of these..." he whispers admiring the view.

"Two more in fact" I say and he raises an eyebrow at me playfully. I missed being like this with him, having the playful Harry who teased me and taunted me with his crude and dirty sense of humour. He also had another side to him that was childish and immature whee he would laugh at stupid jokes or worse, tells stupid jokes. But I wouldn't change him.

"Bet I can guess the colours-"

"Oh really? Am I that predictable?"  I raise my eyebrow at him as he pulls away from me sitting up next to me.

"Yes" he nods with a smile as he pulls me up placing me on his lap. I wrap my hands around his neck as he slowly pushes his hands down to grope my ass pulling me closer to him.
"Red" He guesses and I roll my eyes nodding.
"White, obviously" he says looking down at my attire. I laugh lightly before he pauses. He was thinking but I couldn't help but find his thinking face cuts. Where his brows knitted together, his lips pressed together in thought looking like a pouty face a child would pull.
"And black?" He raises a brow and I laugh lightly.

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