Chapter Sixty Seven- Walking Disasters

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Chapter 67

Amy's POV

After picking out a place to eat, we finally sat down in the resatraunt my Mom and Anne chose. I think it was called 'Belgrais' or something I wasn't sure. We sat down at a table at the end opposite Harry, who sat next to Gemma. My Mom sat opposite Anne at the end of the table on my side. Harry was clearly annoyed at me for what I said to him about pretending, but I didn't mean it in the way he took it.
I didn't know how to act around him at all. I felt like we were just straining ourselves not talking about anything. Not sorting anything out. Ignoring the issue. But yet I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to act.

"Amy you need to eat proper food-"

"Pizza is proper food Mom" I say to her as she looks over her menu at me turning her head to look at me.

"No it's not" Harry laughs lightly and I frown at him.
"Why don't you get the lasagne? You like my lasagne..." he says and I feel this weird feeling in my stomach. It kinda brought back memories of this one date we had at his house where he made lasagna and it was amazing. Harry was a good cook, that was an understatement.

"Yeah emphasis on the fact that you made it" I say and he rolls his eyes at me. Gemma laughs lightly at the two of us shaking her head making my cheeks blush slightly pink. I had no idea she was even watching us.

"I'll order for you" He says to me and I sigh. He had a habit of doing this.

"I can choose Harry.." I tell him and he laughs lightly. I couldn't tell if he was pretending to be nice or not. I had no idea.

"Yeah but I know what you like better than you anyway" he says with a hint of annoyance in his voice as he speaks causing me to glare at him. I don't know why my comment had gone down that badly with him, he just took it the complete wrong way.

"So Harry, how are things with my son? Has he come round to you guys yet?" My Mom asks as she places down the menu.

"He's Uh- he's getting there I think, right babe?" Harry looks to me instantly catching me off guard. It was weird hearing that from him when we hadn't been on good terms for the past week. As if it had been a week since I got scared to meet his Mom.

"What? Oh uh- yeah, he is taking it better than before" I say as I feel the awkward exchange of eye contact Harry and I shared as I spoke.

"Your brother is Harry's best friend Klaus, right?" Gemma asks and for some reason I felt a little self conscious about it. Was she judging me?

"Yes" I say.

"Oh is he not a big fan of you guys right now?" Anne interjects and I look to Harry not knowing what to say.

"We're working things out" he says before his eyes quickly catch mine. I felt like he wasn't referring to Klaus at all at this point. My eyes drop to my hands on my lap as I feel the pit in my stomach start to come back.

"So Amy what do you plan on doing next year when you leave College?" Anne asks as she places her menu down smiling over at me.

"Uh hopefully I can get a job as an intern somewhere and work my way up" I say and she nods. I had been looking into some internships but I couldn't find one right for me at all. It was a nightmare.

"Are you staying here?" She asks and I feel Harry's eyes on me as I nod.

"I was planning on staying here yes" I say.

"How lovely!" She says as she looks to Harry briefly, causing me to feel confused over there quick exchange. What just happened? Before I could ask Harry the waiter stands beside us note pad and pen ready.

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