Chapter Eighty Two- Nothing Left To Give But Tears

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Chapter 82

Amy's POV

"Amy just wait a minute-" I hear Harry yell after me as the door to his house swings open before closing behind him. I don't bother to turn around. I don't need to. I don't need him. I needed space from him.
"Please just stop-" he steps in front of me making me sigh. God I just wanted to cry.

Cry because I was angry.
Cry because I was hurt.
Cry because I was loosing my best friend.
Cry because I was loosing my love.
Cry because I knew who I was without him and knowing I was about to turn into that person when he left.

"Why? What difference would it make? Your leaving Harry, just let me go" I snapped at him as I step past him pushing him out the way as I ran across the street just as he followed.

"Hey-" he grabs my hand pulling me back to him making me almost loose my balance. I turn to look up at him and my teary eyes meet his own sad ones. I could see every feeling he felt just in his eyes right now. Raw emotion just radiating off the both of us like we couldn't hide it.
"No for once I'm not letting you do this. Your not walking away from me again, I can't loose you" He raises his voice at me as his hands cup my face gently  pulling me to him carefully at the same time. Part of me felt so confused and hurt by his actions where as in this moment I just wanted him to hold me and kiss me and tell me everything's gonna be alright. But I knew it wasn't. Nothing was okay. I wasn't okay.

"What? That makes no sense when your willing to move thousands of miles away from me Harry!" I push his hands from my face stepping back from him as I feel the tears start to fall hard in realisation.

I never really cried, but right now I just didn't care.
I cried.

"But it's not like that-"

"I love you!" I sob as I yell at him pushing him in the chest in frustration, as he just stared at me with an open mouth like he wanted to say something but nothing came out.
"How could you actually leave me? How is that fair, Harry? How?" I sob pushing at his chest again just as he catches my fists, holding them against his chest pulling me into him as I sob.

"Amy.." he whispers to me as I rest my head on my hands against his chest as I sobbed.

I felt nothing.
I just felt for alone.
So betrayed and hurt, I had nothing left to give but tears.

"I love you" I whimper into his chest as he rests his chin on my head making me close my eyes as I grab a fist full of his shirt. This was all my fault.
"Harry I love you, I'm sorry I don't say it enough but I do, god do I love you-" I pull back quickly wiping my tears as they fall just as Harry cuts me off.

"You don't have to say it, I already know you do-"

"No you don't! You don't understand because I'm so fucking stupid and so heartless to not show you how I feel! This is all my fault! I pushed you away- I drove you away" I cry as he cups my face looking at me worriedly. I don't think I had ever let Harry see me this hysterical. I don't think I had cried in front of Harry this bad before.

"What? No! No, that's not why I wanted to go-" he  starts but I stop him.

"Please don't go" I say as I look up at him intently, grabbing his elbows as he eyes me carefully, clearly a million thoughts running round his head. I didn't mean to be selfish but I could at least try. I had to try.

"Baby..." he sighs as he presses his forehead against mine closing his eyes as he breathes out. I didn't want to move from this moment. Just being so close to Harry but yet at the same time so far away was something I never felt before.

"Harry I'm serious, don't-" I sigh as his nose brushes against mine.
"I don't want to be the person I was before you" I shake my head against his as his thumb wipes a stray tear from my cheek.
"I can't be that person again, please don't let me fall into that again- I can't-" I cry as I grab his elbows tighter pulling him closer. He catches every single tear that falls, not letting a single one past.
"Just- Just please stay... Please Harry I can't loose you" I sniffle as I try to calm myself down.

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