Chapter Seventy Five- MRS EVERLY

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Hi guys sorry for not updating sooner, I've got writers block and can't come up with anything at all. So annoyed at myself. I hope you enjoy this chapter.
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Poll Time- What do you think about the Stanford letter Amy has got?

Chapter 75

Amy's POV

I sit in my car thinking things over for a second. I had so many thought running through my head than I knew what to do with. First of all this fucking letter, that I had no idea about and now Harry and his weird phone calls. He was hiding something from me and I knew it. I could see it in his eyes he was keeping something from me with ease. I didn't understand what it was but I sure as hell was going to find out. But right now I need to speak with Mrs Everly. I look down at the clock on my phone seeing I had less than 5 minutes to catch her before her next class. I couldn't wait till the end of the day I would of gone mad. I quickly jump out of my car with my things locking it behind me before running towards the building. I push through the busy corridors with difficulty due to my size but do eventually make it to her door. I knock before entering to see her sat grading papers behind her desk.

"Hello dear, everything okay?" She greets me with a smile and I shake my head immediately pulling out the letter from my bag.

"No no it's not actually" I close the door behind me before looking down at the letter in confusion as I walk over to her desk.
"I think there's been some confusion Mrs Everly because I never-"

"Ah you read the letter" she laughs lightly taking her glasses off her face carefully. I'm glad someone finds this funny because I don't.

"Yes and I'm terribly confused" I say simply.
"I didn't apply for Stanford! I've never even really heard of it-"

"Ah yes but Stanford have heard of you" she smiles at me proudly and I feel even more confused. But how? How did they get my application if I didn't even send one? I've never even heard of this programme it's so weird.

"I don't understand..." I sigh looking down at the letter feeling frustration start to take over me. Why was this happening?

"Do you like it here Miss West?" She asks making me frown. What did that even have to do with this?

"I mean yeah it's okay-"

"Do you feel like your reaching your full potential here?" She cuts me off and I frown. Full potential? I would hope I am, I mean I picked up my grades big time and I have the highest grades in my class, but don't tell anyone that.

"I think-"

"Your not" She cuts me off making me frown. I wasn't? Oh well that's nice to know.
"There is only so much I can teach you" she says as she stands up from her desk looking over at me.
"You see I don't want someone so bright like you to not have the right opportunities to get them to where they need to be" she says as she gestures to the letter in my hand. Wait- she did this?
"You have a bright future, but your lacking here" she smiles sympathetically at me and I actually feel like my head was going to implode with the amount of thoughts rushing round my head right now.

"You sent in my application?" I gape and she nods.

"I'm sorry if I overstepped I just didn't want you to miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity" she states flashing a sweet smile at me. Why would she do that? Why would she even care?
"Stanford will not wait for anyone- and your time is now" she says and my eyes widen. My time? I haven't even thought about any of this.
"I hope you don't mind-"

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