Chapter Twenty Three- I Need Some Air

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Chapter 23

Amy's POV

I get upstairs into my room and see Jade sat on her bed on her phone. After dropping the cups with Liam I ran upstairs as fast as I could and slammed the door behind me and here I am. Out of breath cause I'm unhealthy and a complete mess over a boy who is my brothers best friend.

"What's wrong with you?" Jade sits up sniggering as I pace back an fourth in our room.

"Jade I need your help but I swear to you you cannot say anything to anyone!" I shout in a whisper to her as I have to tell someone what is going through my head.

"Of course what is it?" She asks and I cringe as I pace up and down with my hands over my face.

"It's Harry" I mumble.

"It's what?" She says not quite catching what I had said.

"Harry. It's Harry. Oh god it's fucking Harry!" I panic and fall back onto my bed.

"What? Please do not tell me you slept with him" she gasps and I frown.

"No it's not that!" I cringe as she runs over to sit on my bed next to me.

"Okay good, wait what is it then?" She asks with a small smile on her face. I can't believe I'm going to tell her this.

"Last weekend when you went out for the night and the rest of the girls went out for drinks, Harry came by after we had had a little what you could call a 'spat' in the hallway. Anyway we kinda argued just a little about why he blew me off that time for dinner and some how we ended up against the door about to kiss and then all the sudden nothing! He pulled away and freaked out and left and then avoided me for a week straight and then I saw him just then and he wants to talk about it! What do I say? I don't know what is even going on! It's fucking Harry! Why does he make my head feel like it about to explode!" I ramble on before she interrupts me.

"Wait so you wanted him to kiss you?" She frowns clearly confused.

"Well no I don't know what I wanted I just feel like my head is all over the place right now and it's all over something that didn't even happen!" I say. It felt good to get all his off my chest especially to Jade who I knew would give me the truth no matter how much she doesn't like him.

"Sounds to me like you wanted him to kiss you" she says and I shake my head.

"I don't know what I want, I don't know why he would of done that in the first place though that's the thing" I sigh.

"Maybe he has feelings for you and was about to act on them and then realised all the shit that would come from you two getting with each other, you do realise that right?" She says and I nod.

"Harry doesn't have feelings for me I know he doesn't I think he's just bored and then like you aid realised what would happen if we did happen" I say and sit up next to her.

"Klaus would kick off"she sighs and shakes her head.


"You like him" she says after a few seconds of silence. A smile starts to appear on her face and I give her a stern look before looking away.

"What? No he's just fucking with me" I try convince her and maybe partially myself too.

I don't like Harry.
Not In that way.
I can't.
But I can't get him out of my head.

"He likes you" she says and I roll my eyes.

"Harry doesn't like anyone like that you know it"

"Well maybe he does and your just to stupid and in denial to see it and maybe that's why you keep cutting him off all the time when he tried to talk to you about stuff, maybe just hear him out?" She says and I look at her for a second. Hear him out? I guess I could do that?

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