Chapter Forty- Baby

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Chapter 40

Amy's POV

"Who ordered this much pizza?" Harry laughs as we both enter the kitchen following Eva closely behind.

"Niall" Louis says and an echo of brief sniggers fill the room. Literally everyone was here.
Me, Eva, Louis, Niall, Harry, Zac, Jade, Klaus, Grace, Mia, Becca, Ashton and Juggy. Why are there so many of us in the house? I have no idea. The couples were all sort of stiff off in their pairs like Eva and Niall were stood together near me, Klaus and Jade were sat together around the island and Zac was sat on the counter with Grace stood in between his legs as he hooked his arm round her shoulder.

"There's a lot of us!" Niall says as an excuse trying. It to laugh. Harry goes and sits on the worktop behind Niall and Eva and I was deeply confused on wether or not I stand with him or not. I decided not too, instead standing on the other side of the island directly opposite him leaning on the counter behind me, next to Zac and Grace. My eyes catch Harry's and he gives me a weird look causing me to look away from him immediately.

"Amy nice of you to show up for once, we've not seen you in weeks" Louis says and I laugh lightly.

"Awh have you missed me?" I joke.

"Nah just missed looking at these-" He laughs as he gestures to his own chest pretending to hold up so boobs, gaining a chuckle from most of the room including me.

"Oi..." Klaus shoots him a warning glare as he tries to hide the smile fighting to appear on his lips.

"Sorry bro.." Louis laughs as he flashes me a cheeky wink making me roll my eyes as I snigger.

"Anyway guys we have an announcement to make-" Klaus says as he puts his arm around Jade. I look round the room seeing everyone looking at them except Harry who's looking at me. The look of confusion and worry on some of the guys faces was exactly how I must of looked when I found this out.
"Do you want to..." He murmurs to Jade as he looks down at her causing her to smile. I almost found it cute.

"We're having a baby" she says with a huge smile on her face. My gaze immediately drops from them to the floor as the others react to the news. The room falls silent for a second. I guess in disbelief.

"What?" Louis, Grace and Eva all gape in unison.

"Are you serious?" Niall asks.

"Yes!" They both answer together.

"Oh my god! Congratulations!" Grace squeals as she runs up to hug them both as the others follow sweet. All except Harry and I. I look up and my eyes meet his before I can't take anymore of this. I jump down from the worktop trying to hold back the tears as I make a quick exit from the kitchen. I walk up the stairs and into my bedroom again. I shut the door behind me before leaning back on the door as I try to fight back the tears. I slide down the door sitting on the floor as the first tear rolls down my cheek.

"Amz..." I hear Harry's voice as he knocks on the door within a matter of seconds. He waits patiently for me to open it as I try to conceal my cries by covering my mouth with my hand.
"Hey let me in..." he knocks again as I wipe the teases from my cheeks. I seriously didn't think I had anymore tears left to cry today but I guess not. This whole situation was fucked up. I couldn't deal with it all.
"Come on, I think I've sat out here long enough today" I hear him sigh as it sounds like he puts his head against the door. I pull myself together as much as I can before standing up. I turn to face the door and hesitate to open it. I open the door and my eyes meet Harry's as they fill up with tears once more as I cannot hold them back any longer.
"Heyyyy..." he soothes me as he pulls me into his chest closing the door behind him with his foot. My fists grab at his shirt as I can't help but cry into his chest as he tries to soothe me.
"Shhhh..." He hushes my cries as he rests his chin on my head.

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