Chapter Forty Three- The First Tear Fell

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Chapter 43

Amy's POV

"Okay am I good to go Alex?" I ask my manager as I finish my shift at the bar. Tonight had been an easy night and I was so glad to have finished. It was just past 11:30pm and I was finishing my shift at work. I was working with Alex but Katie had just got here meaning I could leave. I was tired and just wanted my bed, today had been a long day. After going to the mall this morning with Jade, Klaus and Harry I was so tired. We stayed out till about 2 and had a drink in the pub before they all left. It was nice. Awkward in a way but nice. Harry had gone to help set up for the party and get the kegs from his friend at the diner. Klaus and Jade went back to see my Mom, to break the news to them about the baby and apparently she took it amazingly well. Which I was glad about.

"Course! You get off now hun!" Alex shouts across the bar at me and I smile at him.

"Thank you! See you next week!" I shout back to him as I grab my bag and phone and head for the door. I hang my key up on the side and wave him off and say bye to a few customers on my way out. I make my way down the street and start to head home. Luckily my house was only a block away and it wasn't that quite on the street. I feel my phone start to vibrate in my pocket and the ringtone follow shortly. I pull it out checking the caller ID.


"Hello?" I answer. I should of known it would be him. He knew exactly what time I got off and I know exactly why he is ringing.

"Hey, What time are you coming?" He says down the speaker and I instantly just feel relaxed for some reason. In my ideal world I would just spend the night on with him in bed watching documentaries and Game of Thrones with pizza, chicken and a puppy. That obviously wasn't going to happen.

"Harry I said I'll think about it! And I thought about it and I don't want to come" I sigh and I hear him hiccup down the phone by accident. I was too tired to even go, I didn't want to. But I knew he would be persistent.

"What? Why? Where are you? I'll come get you- Niall, fuck off I'm trying to have a conversation" I hear him say and I can clearly tell he is drunk.

"No honestly it's fine! I'm nearly home anyway-"

"Are you walking by yourself?" He interrupts me making me roll my eyes.

"What? Yes, why does that matter?" I sigh. I can't be dealing with him when he is like this.

"It's late!- Niall- Oi, give me that- sorry one second- just light it!" I hear him say making me frown.

"Harry are you smoking?" I ask and I hear him cough awkwardly. I was confused as I thought he had quit at the minute because he insisted that he had 'a bad cough' and complained that he 'can't breath normally' and even looked up his symptoms when actually he just had a bad cough.

"Yeah why?" He says nonchalantly making me roll my eyes.

"I'll be over in half an hour, Okay?" I sigh knowing he is gonna be so drunk by the time I get there.

"Okay? Bye" he says while laughing at god knows what.

"Bye" I say before putting the phone back in my pocket. Knowing he was already in this state this early on was not good. I practically ran the rest of the way home and as soon as I got to her house I could hear and see everyone at Harry's making me roll my eyes, this is literally the last thing I need. Once I had gotten a quick shower in the empty house as everyone was obviously at the party, I picked out the first outfit I could see in my closet which was a co-ord baby pink denim skirt and jacket and I teamed it with a white bralette. I picked out my white heels and grabbed my phone. I check my appearance in the mirror, I only had mascara on and lip gloss but it will have to do. I ran down the stairs and locked the door behind me putting the key back under the mat. As I walked across the road I could see Niall on his phone out the front garden.

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