Chapter Six- And then There Was Two

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Chapter six

Amy's POV

"She never did!" Jade tells Harry and Nigel who joined us about an hour ago.

"Shut up it's not funny!" I kick her shin lightly as they all laugh hysterically over the story she's telling them about me. It was overly embarrassing. We all sit by the pool, me and Jade were sat on the edge where as Harry and Nigel decided they wanted to actually get in. They both left all of there clothes but there underwear on the poolside as they climbed in.

"You peed in the middle of the street, how is that not funny?" Harry sniggers. Harry became very tipsy early as we stood under the balcony so I decided that it would be better for him to now be drinking Coke instead. Of course he protested briefly but he eventually gave in and that's when Jade turned up along with Nigel a few minutes behind.

"It's embarrassing I can't believe you'd tell them that, should I tell them about the Paris incident?" I raise my eyebrows as her eyes widen as I speak. She knows I've got her worst moments stored in my head and she's got it worse than me.

"Don't you dare" she says through gritted teeth.

"It's way more embarrassing than mine" I snigger.

"How can you get anymore embarrassing than pissing in the street from laughing?" Harry laughs and I glare at him playfully.

"Trust me you can"

"Amy..." Jade whines.

"I won't I won't, I'm not that mean don't worry" I roll my eyes knowing that I am that mean though. Jade rolls her eyes at me laughing lightly before she takes a sip from her red cup.

"Can I just point out that those girls have been staring this way for fucking ages" Jade says with a hint of annoyance evident in her voice. We all turn our heads to where she points to vaguely and see these two bleach blondes batting there eyes this way.

"There hot, get them to come over" Nigel nudges Harry's shoulder encouraging him to go over.

"What? Why me?" Harry frowns.

"Because your better at it than I am" Nigel laughs.

"There not even that hot" Harry shrugs.

"Are you fucking blind?" Nigel laughs.

"Uh no"

"They're pretty" Jade says and I nod.

"Yeah but not hot" Harry shakes his head. He stands in the pool directly in front of me next to Nigel who is opposite Jade. He takes my cup out of my hand and takes a sip from the cup before handing it back to me. I roll my eyes and nudge him in the chest with my foot as I laugh lightly.

"Well I'm going over with or without you" Nigel says making us laugh.

"Good luck with that" Harry rolls his eyes as a smile spreads across his face.

"I don't need luck" Nigel calls back as he leaves the group.

"I'm going to get another drink" Jade announces straight away whilst pushing herself up from the patio.

"Get me one too" I tell her and Harry nods too. She walks away quickly after I pass her my cup. I turn back to Harry to see him swishing his hands around in the water as he stares at them in fascination before he looks up at me.

"And then there was two" he slurs.

"Your drunk Harry" I laugh whilst shaking my head.

"I'm not" he pouts and I roll my eyes.

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