Chapter Twenty Eight- A Word Now?

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Chapter 28

Amy's POV

"So are you having a good birthday?" I ask Niall as I join him on the patio outside as everyone else's enjoys them self inside. Niall holds a cigarette in his mouth and offers it to me but I shake my head and politely decline. The night was going good so far celebrating Niall's birthday. Everyone of our close friends were here and we had a takeaway and are now having a few drinks. It is fun being a smaller group than being at frat parties all the time. It's different to say the least.

"I am, I wasn't expecting all this from you guys to be honest" he smiles at me as I join him on the wooden bench he is on.

"Well I'm not taking credit for this one it was all Eva's idea I believe" I tell him and his smile grows wider.

"She never misses a trick that girl does she?" He laughs and I do to.

"She really loves you doesn't she?" I say as we look at her through the glass patio door as she talks to Harry laughing with him as he knocks over a wine glass with his big clumsy hands making me snigger.

"And you really like Harry don't you?" He says and I pause for a second before I react. Did he just say what I think he said?

"Excuse me?" I gape and he laughs lightly.

"Come on Amy, you don't have to play dumb with me it's okay I'm not gonna tell anyone" he says and I frown.

"There's nothing to tell, why would you even say that?" I ask and he laughs again.

"Because I'm not stupid, I see the way he looks at you. I know he likes you but what I don't understand is why you look at him exactly the same way back... like is there something going on between the two of you? I mean it's none of my business but I can at least ask you" he says and I stare at him blankly not really knowing what to say. Do I lie to Niall? I know for a fact he can keep a secret but can he keep one this big? Would it be right to tell him? Would Harry not want me to tell him? Do I even want anyone to know?

"Harry's a friend and I never thought I would say that but he's not who I thought he was you know?" I say as I fiddle with my thumbs.

"There's more to Harry than what's meets the eyes like when I first met him I was pretty intimidated by him but then when we got talking he's literally the most kind hearted person you'll meet, is that what you like about him?" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah I mean I just think he's so interesting and challenges me you know? I obviously mean in a friendly way but yeah he's not what you would expect him to be like" I say trying to laugh off what I just said but I know he's more buying it.

"I think you two would be a good couple despite the fact you tell me you guys are just friends" he says whilst rolling his eyes.

"Why's that so hard to believe?"

"Because I'm not stupid? I'm one of his best mates and you think I don't know when he likes someone? Come on Amz your underestimating me here a little" he laughs lightly and I rolling eyes.

"Does he talk about me?" I ask after pausing for a second.

"Well when I ask about you he won't shut up but if you don't ask with Harry you don't get you know? He sort of needs a push when it comes to feelings and shit you..." he says and I nod slowly.

"Yeah I guess..."

"So you admit he has feelings for you? I knew it!" He says whilst nudging me in the arm playfully and I shrug.

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