Chapter Seventy Six- Family Dinner

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Chapter 76

Amy's POV

"What are you ordering?" I ask Harry as we both share the menu in front of us. It was around 6:30pm and we had arrived at Paulo's Italian restaurant to have dinner with my family. My Mom, Dad, Elijah, Amelia and Rain were already here and we were waiting for Jade, Klaus and Joseph to arrive yet. We sat in a long booth table and had ordered drinks for the table which had just arrived. After Harry and I had messed around a little a mine, we still ended up being here earlier than Klaus and Jade for some reason. The sex was fucking amazing just to let you know. But besides the point, we were now at a family meal and this wasn't appropriate to be thinking about when my parents were sat across from us.

"Don't know, you?" Harry interrupts my thoughts as I lean my head against his arm as I cling onto him flicking my eyes over the menu for the 100th time. I didn't know what to have, I never do.

"I don't know- I'm not that hungry" I say and he looks down at me.

"Do you wanna share something?" He raises a brow and I roll my eyes sitting up, but still latching my arm into his.

"Harry you know that means that you'll just eat all of it-"

"Woah no no no, I'm good at sharing" he smirks and I raise my brow at him in surprise. Harry was the worse at sharing food. He could never even share a bowl of popcorn with me because he said it was annoying not knowing what he was going to eat next or if I was going to take the price he wanted. He told me when he was drunk in England but I don't think he remembers it to be honest.

"Oh really? You can't even share the duvet, never mind food" I roll my eyes at him and he laughs lightly trying to hide his embarrassment.

"That's rich" he fires back playfully and I laugh knowing I was just as bad as him.

"Fine- you wanna share?" I give in and he smiles triumphantly looking back down at the menu as I rest my head back on his arm as I listen to my parents talk with my siblings about Elijah's new job. I loved how Harry fit in with my family so much like it was effortless. Even Elijah liked Harry and he used to hate him.

"I'm thinking Grilled platter with a side of fries?" He says as his concentrates on the menu making me laugh lightly.
"What you don't want that?" He smirks looking down at me and I laugh shaking my head. He was so cute I couldn't deal.

"No it sounds good" I smile at him admiring him shamelessly. He smiles back at me and I almost forget we're not the only ones at the table for a second. It was easy to get lost in the small moments with him. I look over just in time to see Klaus and Jade turn up with Joseph asleep in the carrier.

"Hi sorry we're late Joseph just needed feeding!" Jade says as she gives my Mom and Dad a hug before greeting the rest of the table. She smiles at me and Harry, but Klaus doesn't even look over at us. I still couldn't believe this was still going on but I guess there was nothing else I could do.

"God could you imagine having a baby right now?" I whisper to Harry as I catch him intently watching Klaus and Jade hover over Joseph's carrier as my Mom and Dad admire the small baby like they had never seen a baby before.

"Not right now, but in the future" he says still watching the them. Me and Harry never really had discussed children at all. I knew he liked kids but we had never spoken about what plans he had or what I had in mind. It just never came up.

"You want kids?" I look up at him and he frowns.

"Course" he nods looking down at me with slight confusion written on his face. I knew Harry would be a great Dad. He was amazing with children and children seemed to be drawn to him no matter what he did. He deserved to have kids because I think that was something he wanted most in his life whether it be in a year or 10, he wanted them.
"You don't?" He questions with a frown making my eyes widen.

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