Chapter Thirty Nine- Just

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Chapter 39

Amy's POV

"I'm gonna go take a shower" I tell him as I sit up from the bed. We had been sat here for a good 10-20 minutes in silence, I'm pretty sure Harry fell asleep at some point.

"Okay, I'm gonna get one too- down the hall obviously" he says and I frown.

"Come on-" I take his hand I stand up and pull him up off the bed.
"What have you been eating? You weigh like a tonne" I say as I try and pull him out of bed to no avail.

"Your just too weak..." he says as he sits up laughing.
"But I'm not-" He laughs and all too quickly I feel myself being thrown up over his shoulder like I was weightless before he begins running out the room.

"Harry!" I laugh as I nearly band my head on the wall because of his poor navigation skills. We get into the bathroom and he puts me down in front of him. I roll my eyes as he laughs before turning the shower.
"My shower is not a complicated as yours see- one button... that's all you need" I joke remembering back to the first time anything really happened between us. Which did seem to feel like a lifetime ago. I step into the hot water and feel a sense a of relief as the water washes over my skin. I turn my head to see Harry just standing there staring.
"Are you coming?" I ask and his eyes widen for a second before nodding. He steps into the shower and I feel his hands run up and down my hips softly.

The next day

"Okay Mom, we're leaving!" I shout down the stairs to My Mom who I think is in the kitchen. Harry carries my small suitcase down the stairs as I put my shoes on whilst being sat on the top of the stairs. I decided to wear a simple baby blue dress as it was really hot. 

"Thank you for letting me stay over Maria" I hear Harry say to my Mom as she gives him a quick hug

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"Thank you for letting me stay over Maria" I hear Harry say to my Mom as she gives him a quick hug. I roll my eyes as I do the last strap on my white sandals. I run down the stairs and see my Dad also coming through the hallway.

"Your welcome here anytime! Oh mi Nina! Where did you get that dress? You look beautiful!" My Mom says as she hugs me. I look to her and then to Harry to see him looking me up and down making my cheeks heat up a little.

"Thanks Mom, I know you've loved having me here cause I'm your favourite and all but don't miss me too much" I joke as my Dad hugs me also.

"I won't miss washing your clothes and dishes let's just say that" My Mom laughs and so do the rest of us.
"Oh when you see Klaus, will you tell him that the family dinner is this weekend, we would love if he could bring Jade and Harry you know your always invited. It's on Sunday" My Mom tells us and I sigh.

"Uh I'm not exactly talking-"

"I'll tell him" Harry cuts me off. I shoot him a glare before rolling my eyes.

"Perfect!" My Mom smiles.

"Okay let's go" I say as I grab my leather jacket and purse off the side. We say goodbye to my Mom and Dad again before getting into Harry's car. Harry puts my bag in the trunk of his car before climbing into the drivers side.

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