Chapter Twenty Two- I've got Cups

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Chapter 22

Amy's POV

1 week later

"Can you see if there's anymore red cups in there?" Eva asks me. Today is the day our sorority has the first pool party of the season. A lot of people vote to see which house has the first party of the season and this year it's us like it is every year. All the girls are helping out and even Klaus is here with some of his friends helping decorate and set up the house. Klaus has been weirdly nice to me lately and we've been out a few times just us two like from dinner and stuff and it's actually been really nice to hang out just the two of us like old times.

"We don't have anymore!" I shouted to her across the kitchen after looking in the cupboards.

"Go ask Niall see if he's got any its urgent we can't have a party without cups!" She shouts as she hangs lanterns in the trees stood on a ladder spotted by Liam. Great. Just great. Why do I have to go over there? You know what? No. Why am I worried? I shouldn't be. Not like any things going to happen to me. I'm going for cups.

Get the cups and get out.

I find myself stood outside the boys house just staring at the door. I can do this. He's probably not even here. He's probably out and planning to stay out all night.

Knock knock knock

I cringe and take a step back from the door as I wait for someone to let me in. Putting aside my nerves I smile at Louis as he opens the door.

"Eyyyyy!!! What you doing here?" He asks as he pulls me inside giving me a big hug before shutting the door with his foot.
"Lads look who's here" he doesn't let me reply before he's introducing me to more of the frat boys who are sat around a number of sofas watching a football game. I know most of them but I notice that none of them are Harry, thankfully. They all say hello to me and some of them joke about one of the fancying me and they all start laughing including me.

"Anyway what you doing here? Do you want some nachos Niall is in the kitchen making some" he tells me and I smile.

"Uh I actually came to talk to Niall, do you mind if I come watch the game with you in a second?" I ask him when really I have no idea what football is about and really don't care but nachos are involved count me in.

"Sure just go straight through" he tells me and point me in the direction of the kitchen and I thank him before walking away from him. I could smell Niall's cooking before I even get into the kitchen and I could hear him humming a little tune to himself when I walked in.

"Hey Niall" I greet him as I ruffle his hair from behind him as he hadn't seen me yet.

"Hey what's up? Are you looking for Klaus?" He asks after flipping me off for messing his hair up. I sit on the counter next to him swinging my legs off the side of counter.

"No for you actually" I tell him and he raises his eyebrows.

"Shit whatever has happened it wasn't me" he says quickly making me laugh.

"No no I just have been sent here by your bossy girlfriend to see if you have any red cups" I tell him and he smiles.

"So your her little minion" he laughs and I do to.

"I might as well be, she had me up the trees in the garden before hammering nails into the wood without a ladder because Klaus couldn't be bothered getting his" I tell him and he laughs loudly.

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