Chapter Eleven- Literally About To Knock On The Fucking Door

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Chapter eleven

*8 days later*

Harry's POV

"What are you doing?" Niall laughs lightly as I shut the front door. After paying the pizza guy and open up the pizza box a second ago Niall seemed to have popped up right beside me. It was actually kinda scary. At the minute I just can't be arsed doing anything, normally I'm the one cooking food for everyone and making the shopping list for Louis and Niall to get but I haven't done any of that recently. The boys have noticed and it irritates me when they asks what's wrong when I don't know the answer myself. I don't know how my bad mood has sprung about but it seems to be known by all.

"I ordered pizza for myself- and I would like to emphasise the fact that it's for myself" I say sternly as I notice him eyeing it up. He follows me to the kitchen like a lost puppy and diets opposite me on the island stools.

"Alright calm down, what's wrong with you?" He asks, a frown now forming on his face.

See. Every fucking time I speak someone has to point out my 'shit mood'. If I did that to everyone else in the house all the time I would of been kicked out by now. It's just annoying. My classes have been shit all week I've got

"Nothing I'm just tired" I shrug as I take a bite from my pizza. I was tired. I admit. I've been up all night trying to get shit done for work and trying to start up the new bar with Louis and Zack.

"You've been tired for a few days now I ain't buying that" Niall says and I roll my eyes.

"Fuc-" Before I can defend myself, Klaus' voice rings through the house urgently making me roll my eyes again.

"Harry where the fuck are you?"

"Kitchen" I yell back with a mouth full of pizza. Niall leaves the kitchen when Klaus comes in after punching Klaus in the stomach jokingly.

"I need your help" he says quickly as he speaks with wide eyes. He stands opposite me as I try and enjoy my pizza but it isn't happening.

"Oh god what now?" I groan. This can't be good.

"I need you to distract my sister-"

"No absolutely not" I cut him off straight away. Klaus did not know about the argument I had with his sister the other day, well the other week and I wasn't intending on telling him. For some reason he thinks that me and her are close in a way and always is asking me little things about what I think about her which is weird. As for where me and her stand... well let's just say I haven't seen her for the past week. I haven't bothered to call or text or go and find her because quite frankly I don't want to. She pissed me off and literally played around with my head and then apologised and acted like she cared when she clearly doesn't.

"Please! I asked all her friends but they all hate me and I know you guys are alright with each other so your my last option" he begs, whining a little. There is nothing but money that could make me do him this massive favour. And even then I wouldn't be happy about it.

"Why in the world would I do that?" I roll my eyes.

"Jade wants to have a movie night or whatever and she needs Amy out the house so we can go through with it" he says and I swallow some more pizza.

"How does this benefit me?" I inquired.

"I'll pay you? I don't know I'll wash your car or something?" He says and I pause. Money. I don't need it because I have savings and other money but there's no harm in having extra.

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