Chapter Thirty- Ever Heard Of a Cab?

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Chapter 30

Amy's POV

"Are your friends not going to be looking for you tonight? I'm sure they want to hang out with you?" I ask Harry as we sit outside by the pool with our feet dangling in the water as the party went on around us.

"I see them day in day out I think they'll live" He jokes and I laugh lightly.

"Can I ask you something? And I want you to be completely honest with me okay?"

"Okay..." he gives me a inquisitive look.

"What do you want from this? Like I know this is all happening right now and we should live in the moment but that's not how it's gonna work for us you know that right? Like if Klaus found out about this before it even goes further he would never speak to us again, so I just want to know that this isn't just some one time thing-"

"Do you really think I would of come after you and said all that shit to you if I didn't see this going further? Obviously I'm not going to ask you to marry me or anything right now we just need to take it slow and go about it all the right way so we don't upset anyone right?" He interrupts me and I nod.

"Yeah I agree, so should we not tell anyone yet about all this?" I ask and he shrugs.

"Only if that's what you want to do for now"

"It's probably best right?" I say and he nods. We continue to talk for god knows how long about anything and everything we could think of. I started to notice things about him that I wasn't letting myself see before tonight. I held myself back from him because I put other people before myself and I couldn't of been more wrong.

"Harry?" A whiny voice interrupts our conversation that makes me roll my eyes immediately knowing exactly who it is. Evie.

"Uh yeah, you alright?" Harry turns his body to face her and I do the same.

"Can you take me home? I'm bored now" she snaps at him and I roll my eyes turning back to face the pool.

"I'm kind of busy, have you heard of this thing called a cab?" He shocks me by saying and I snigger.

"Why are you laughing? I'm pretty sure he'd rather spend his time with me over someone like you Amy" I hear Evie say and laugh after making me ever so angry. I find myself on my feet now in front of her and despite the fact that she's about a foot taller than me with her heels on, I think I could take her.

"Excuse me?" I laugh in disbelief.

"Your excused, you can go now" she says as grabs Harry's arm and starts to pull him away from me.

"Evie I said I'm busy, I'm not your personal driver get yourself home" Harry snaps as he pulls his arm away from her grip.

"Harry come-"

"And don't talk to her like that again, it doesn't become of you" he says before pushing past her and walking off into the house. The look on her face when she stormed off had me internally laughing as she had obviously never been rejected before. Harry stuck up for me. He did and it made me feel something so weird I can't explain it. I ponder with the thought for a second before deciding to go inside too. I grab my heels and put them back on before heading indoors. I find myself within seconds making a drink for myself mixing god knows what together with whatever I could find. As I stand leaning against the work top Jade and Klaus somehow end up in front of me talking to me about some shit that I really wasn't listening to. I feel my phone vibrate and open up the message I surprisingly received. My phone never rings as you can tell.

Meet me at my house in 5.

Why? I'm having fun.


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