Chapter Twenty One- Your Avoiding Me

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Chapter 21

Amy's POV

1 week later

"Jade Hurry up we are going to be late!" I shout up the stairs at her for the second time already this morning. We had early classes this morning that we both could not be bothered with.

"One second!" She shouts back making me sigh. In the past week that I decided to take off college I had changed a lot in my life. I told jade everything about the drugs and Harry standing me up after getting drunk on the girls nice we had. She was a massive help to me and understood everything I was telling her. She said that if I wanted I could start seeing a therapist for the drug rehabilitation. I mean I thought it was a bit much at first because I didn't think I was that bad but Jade said just to make sure I don't do it again I should see a therapist so I did. I see the therapist, Mark, twice a week and have gotten rid of the all the drugs I had left over from the last time I bought them.

To say I felt better was an understatement. I have had 4 session this week because it was my first week joining the facility but usually I will have two or more if i decide I want more. Mark was a good guy and wasn't who I thought he was going to be like for a therapist.

As for Jade she has been amazing and even came to sessions with me. We haven't told anyone about the sessions or anything and decided that it's best not to make a deal out of it. I couldn't ask of any more for her but we have spent loads of time together recently and it's really helping get my mind off the drugs and other shit in my life.

"Ready?" She says as she appears in front of me all the sudden. I was too lost in my own thoughts waiting for her I didn't even realise she came down the stairs.

"Lets go" I open the door and head out down the street to college. We make it there with time to spare, hardly, but both go out separate ways to our first classes of the day. I head to my first class and get there a tad late cause I was talking to Louis and Niall in the hall about Niall's date with Eva.

"Ah Amy late... at least you actually bothered to turn up today, take a seat" My health and religion class professor Mrs Edwards says giving me a dirty look.

"Better late than never I guess" I smile sarcastically back and a few people snigger but she doesn't find the humour in it. As I look around the class to find a seat I spot Klaus, Michael, Kylie, Payton and Liam at the back of the class, oh how I love being in class with my brother. Klaus gives me a smile but his friends don't seem to acknowledge me. I decide to sit on the opposite end of the room where the only seats are left at. As I start putting my stuff down and Mrs Edwards goes on about the religious leaders of the world and there roles they have to play the door opens again catching my attention and everyone else's.

"Eyyyy!!!" I hear Klaus and his friends cheering as a certain someone walks through the door with a smirk on his face.

"Mr Styles what time do you call this?" Mrs Edwards folds arms over her chest and lowers her glasses to look at him, well glare at him. Great. For some reason I really wanted Harry not to be in the class today and be ill or something but no.

"At least I showed up" he mumbles as the door shuts behind him.

"Sit down and get ready to take notes I will be testing you all at the end" Mrs Edwards scolds and everyone groans before she carried on babbling on. I sigh and looked back down at my notes avoiding all contact with him not really knowing what to say or do if he did want to talk to me. A few seconds later the chair next to me scraps the floor as he pulls it out and sits down. I look around the room and mentally curse myself for turning up late and having no choice where to sit. He had to sit next to me because the were no other seats, this isn't awkward at all. I notice how he doesn't bring a bag with him, no books, no pens and no notes. How does he even get into these classes? I sigh and decide to focus on the topic at hand and take notes vigorously to avoid all thoughts, conversations or contact with him. It worked the whole time.

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