Chapter Ninety- Scattered Dreams

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Chapter 90

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Chapter 90

Amy's POV

Today had been tiring to say the least. By this time it was already about 10pm. My Mom had made dinner for me and Harry, Elijah and Amelia, Rain and obviously my Dad and Herself. It was lovely. Klaus and Jade were busy visiting her parents with Joseph so they didn't make it, but really it wasn't a bad thing. Harry was so comfortable around the rest of my family now, even Elijah had warmed to him and offered for him and my Dad to go for a drink at his new bar sometime. We were so happy. I mean we hadn't told them yet about our future plans like Stanford or even Harry's Dad. It just hadn't come up.

"Mm'so tired" Harry groans as he leans into me putting his head in the crook of my neck as I sit on the worktop in the kitchen with him in between my legs. I smile to myself as I play with the curls dropping into my hand as I entwine my fingers in his hair.

"Me too- Should we just stay here tonight?" I say as he tugs my skirt down a little covering me more. He had good reason to.

"Would your Mum mind?" He pulls back from me and I laugh lightly still keeping my my hands in his hair.

"Do you really care?" I raise a brow at him and he frowns.

"Yes, I love your Mum" he says and I roll my eyes as he smirks at me as I pull him into me. His nose brushes my own making me smile.

"More than me?" I hum and he smiles showing his dimples making my chest flutter.

"Mmm.. Maybe" he teases as he pushes his hands up my bare thighs brushing his lips against mine.

"Shame-" I push him back catching him off guard as I jump down off the counter adjusting my skirt.

"Is it? I'm sure she has a banging pair" He says with a smirk as he gestures to his chest crudely making me shoot him a glare as he laughs at his own joke.

"You need help" I roll my eyes and he smirks grabbing my hips roughly, pressing his crotch to mine purposely.

"Are you offering?" He teases and I roll my my eyes at his playfulness.

"You wish" I laugh lightly as I turn away from him heading towards the kitchen door just as he follows.
"Oh-" I stop as I get to the door turning slightly to look back up at him causing him to frown.
"And just to let you know" I lean up to him on my top toes grabbing his shirt in my fist catching his attention as he studies me eyes carefully. I bring him down to my level, my lips brushing his ear as his curls brush my nose slightly.
"I'm not wearing panties..." I whisper to him with a smirk before before pulling away to watch his reaction.

"Mmmmm..." he groans throwing his head back slightly in frustration as I walk down the hall looking back at him biting my lip, just as he grabs my ass making me laugh lightly before I drag him into the living room.

"Nice of you two to join us" My Mom says as we enter the room, looking up from her book as my Dad naps on the couch.

"Mom do you mind if me and Harry stay here tonight?" I ask as Harry wraps his arm around my neck. I knew she would say yes but I guess it's polite to ask.

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