Chapter Nineteen- Well You Already Fucked That

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Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Amy's POV

"I can't do it I'm not doing it" I whine as I move away from the chopping board. When Harry said he would help me cook I was thinking I put the bread in the toaster and he puts butter on it but no. Harry wanted to go all out. He wanted to fucking bake. I can barely make toast never mind a fucking cake. How is that dinner? Lucky I had secretly order pizza for myself.

"Woah, stop why are you stressing?" Harry looks over me as I sit on the floor like a child refusing to take part in this shit.

"Because this is stupid I can't do it!" I argue making Harry laugh.

"Right let me show you" he says as he puts his bowl down and patting his hand together before moving to where I was last stood.

"You've already shown me Harry, I'm-"

"Fine I'll just help, stand here" he cuts me off and I roll my eyes at him.

"I don't want to do it!" I bat his hands away as he tries to get me up. He laughs at me and I narrow my eyes at him.

"Well come stand here and watch at least" he says and I huff before nodding. Harry moves so I can stand right in front of the board and shockingly Harry stands right behind me. He takes his hand and moves hair away from my neck and pushes it to the back. It felt weird when I stepped back a little, pushing our bodies closer together.

"You smell like flour" I say as he puts his arms in front of us both taking the knife in his hand.

"You smell like milk" he laughs and I do too.

"Shut up" I nudge him in the stomach with my elbow gently as we both laugh.

"Right you literally just chop like this and then put them in here how is that hard?" He says as he demonstrates how to cut this shit up that I don't even know the name of.

"I can't chop all the way through it it's too hard" I groan as I push the knife away from me when he offers it me.

"Just try-" he offers it to me again and I roll my eyes looking up and back at him.


"I will help you! Stop moaning. Hold this" he cuts me off jabbing the knife towards me again.

"See I can't get it through!" I leave the knife stuck half way in the food and throw my head back a little, accidentally leaning on Harry's chest.

"Don't let go- here" he takes my hand and places it to over his own on the knife. I felt a weird feeling when I placed my hand over his own. The knife went through the food all too quickly but our hands were still pressed together. Harry coughs awkwardly and I pull my hand away from his quickly.

"Oh, well how about you do this and I just watch" I say when he drops the knife. I spin around in his grasp, turning to face him.

"You just did it!" He laughs and I roll my eyes.

"No you did it, I put too much effort into that and it still didn't work"

"You just don't want to cook" he laughs, rolling his eyes.

"Bake- this is baking" I correct him and he rolls his eyes again before placing his flour covered hands on my cheeks making me squeal as he laughed.

"Same thing" he laughs now my cheeks are covered in flours.

"Your so annoying" I say as I angrily wipe my cheeks but it's no use.

"You look pale, are you feeling alright babe?" He jokes and I roll my eyes at him.

"I'll give you something to fucking feel-"

"Ow!" He yells as he grabs his crotch before falling to the fall dramatically. A kick in the balls was 100 percent necessary.

"I'm not even sorry, you deserved that" I laugh as he literally cries like a baby on the floor.

"Fucking hell!" He winces and I roll my eyes.

"So I just chop like this, did you say?" I say as I turn back to the chopping board as he groans and moans in agony.

"You serious?" He gasps as he tries to compose himself again making me snigger.

"Yeah I think I'm doing it right" I say just to annoy him as he stands up, leaning over the island worktop.

"Fair play- you can have that one, however..." Before he finishes his sentence in picked up and thrown over his shoulder as he bolts for the garden making me scream.

"Put me down! Harry I swear to god if you dare-"

"I play dirty, get used to it" he cuts me off as we near the pools edge making me kick and punch his back even more. But before anything else I'm free falling from what seems like miles up when really it's barely a foot.j


Fucking freezing it was. All I can hear is the water splashing around me and Harry faintly laughing as I come up for air.

"You fucking asshole" I splash him as I tread water to keep myself up.

"Couldn't help myself" he shrugs as I roll my eyes. I instantly got used to cool water temperature and thought maybe I could play this to my advantage. Harry still laughs before I reach for the ends to my shirt before pulling it over my head making him stop quickly.
"Uh- What are you doing?" He raises an eyebrow as I throw the item on the poolside before proceeding to take my pants and shoes off and throwing them on the side too. Harry looks away as I'm only left in my underwear but I didn't understand why.

"You can look you know?" I laugh a little at his awkwardness.

"Your staying in?" He asks as he looks up slowly.

"Yeah, you getting in or what?"

"I don't know-"

"Get in" I roll my eyes as he tries to look anywhere but me.

"I don't think that's a good idea" he mumbles as he scratches the back of his head glances at me quickly.

"Why? We're friends, friends have fun Harry" I roll my eyes. I could understand why he didn't want to get in but in a way I also didn't.

"I was meant to be back for Klaus ages ago" he mentions and I laugh.

"Well you fucked that one up already so what does another half hour matter?" I say. He pauses for a second looking at me to the house then me again before kicking his shoes off.


"That's what I thought" I smirk as he decides to join me.

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