Chapter Eighty Five- Fallen Down The Rabbit Hole

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The use of drugs in this chapter is prominent, if this would offend you please don't read it

WarningThe use of drugs in this chapter is prominent, if this would offend you please don't read it

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Chapter 85

Amy's POV

"Stefan pass-" Danny says as Stefan passes him the joint he was smoking. I watch as they take puffs as I lay on Danny's couch in a dingy apartment. I hadn't been here in forever. After the whole facade with my friends this afternoon, I decided I needed some other company. Stefan and Danny were more than happy to hear from me. I hadn't spoken to them at all through my time with Harry. I hadn't needed to. But now I guess you could say I had fallen back down the rabbit hole. Hard.

"West?" Danny offers the joint out to me as he puffs the smoke out of his mouth. Danny and Stefan were good guys, doing the wrong things. Maybe that was me too. But I think maybe I wasn't a good guy anymore. Harry made me doubt all that.

"No thanks I'm good" I shake my head as I sink back into the couch with my legs over Stefan. Stefan and I had become close over the years and it was kinda nice to have someone like him there. I knew the kinda stuff he was into but I guess I couldn't help but try new things because of him.

"Oh come on- don't be fucking boring" Danny rolls his at me as he holds the joint out in front of me. It was so tempting. I hadn't smoked a joint in months. I knew Harry would of killed me if I had even gone near this stuff never mind anything else. But he wasn't an issue anymore I guess. I could do what I want. And I wanted this. I needed this.

"Fine" I huff taking the joint from him before placing it in between my lips inhaling it as they both watch me carefully.

"Where's your boyfriend? Oh no better yet- your brother?" Danny laughs lightly as he takes a sip of the beer he was also drinking as he sits opposite me. Stefan was on his phone not really paying that much attention, but for some reason this did seem to catch it. Quickly.

"Shut up Danny" Stefan rolls his eyes at Danny who just sits there and laughs.

"Just asking" he shrugs and I inhale again. God, why did I actually stop doing this?

"I don't have a boyfriend" I sigh, sinking back into the couch as Stefan looks to me in confusion.

"Thought you were with Styles?" He asks and I shake my head. So did I- I wanted to say, but chose against it. I didn't need them asking questions that I didn't even have the answers to.

"Nope" I shake my head pulling the joint from my lips, exhaling.

"So... fancy a date with me then babe?" Danny winks at me making me roll my eyes. Danny was a good looking guy, tall, dark and handsome, but he just wasn't for me. Not right now. Not ever.

"You wish" I glare at him as he smirks at me taking the joint from my lips.

"Worth a try" he laughs lightly as he blows a kiss to me sarcastically making me roll my eyes.

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