Chapter Five- Doesnt Explain Why Your Half Dressed

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Chapter five

Amy's POV

Knock Knock Knock

I groan loudly before pausing 'The Holiday' for the fifth fucking time. Who the hell is at the door? I throw my blanket back because clearly Jade is too busy on the phone to answer the door so I have to. I stand up from the couch and brush some popcorn pieces that fell out of my hand or mouth onto the floor. I know I don't look too good but at least I bothered to put suitable clothes on today. I walk over the front before opening it.

"Hi" Harry appears shirtless in the doorway only with his jeans on and some nikes on his feet.

"Harry" I say in realisation after I finish drooling over his naked chest. What the hell am I doing? It's Harry for god sake. I shouldn't be staring. I look up at him to see the small smile creeping onto his face making me realise that I was clearly caught staring. My cheeks are probably a pinky colour by now making me look like an idiot too. I clear my throat as pray that he won't call me out on it.
"Why did you knock? You normally just walk in" I avoid the subject trying to build a back bone again.

"I-" he rolls his eyes but I cut him off.

"You finally learned some manners, yay- now what do you need?" I raise an eyebrow as I lean against the door frame with arms folded against my chest.

"I always love talking to you, you know that right?" He says sarcastically.

"What do you need?" I cut the bullshit and get to it.

"I need tape" he says. Wow there goes them manners.

"Sorry-" I begin to shut the door in his face but his hand comes into contact with it, stopping me from pushing it any further. He takes another step closer to me, leaving only the door between as he leans down, his face down at my level now. His eyes flicker around my face before her speaks making me feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Amy, please?" He says.

"N-" I shrug trying to shut the door even more only for him to push it harder on his side.

"Klaus sent me, we need it for the party" he tells me.

"What are you? Klaus' personal slave?" I laugh lightly.

"Your hilarious, you really are but come on help me out?"

"And why would I do that?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Because we're friends and we have to learn to get along with one another so we can get this project done" he says before smiling widely at me showing off his dimples that I always seemed to notice.

"And where does tape come into this?" I know that I'm probably beginning to annoy him but he seems to brush it aside and play nice.

"Uh- by you giving me the tape, you'd be being friendly because I'm a friend in need of tape and by giving me the tape you'd be helping me out-" he rambles on making me want to nearly cry in pain of listening to such bullshit.

"Please stop talking" I roll my eyes before letting the door loose causing Harry to fall forward a little making me laugh lightly. I raise my eyebrows at him before turning away from him and walking away towards the kitchen knowing that Harry was following behind.

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