Chapter Seventy Nine- Feels

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Chapter 79

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Chapter 79

Amy's POV

I pull up in the car park where Harry texted me he was, I kinda had to guess a little where it was because it didn't exactly make much sense but still. I made it. It was the address of a club. So he most definitely is drunk. I see Harry stood with a group of guys I didn't really recognise except Derek. Oh god I didn't want to go over. After I rejected him it was bound to be awkward. I get out my car after beeping the horn catching Harry's attention. He looks over noticing it's me before saying bye to his friends quickly. He stumbles slightly when he walks over making me laugh lightly as he nears me.
"Baby!" He picks up the pace a little with a cheeky grin on his face making me laugh at his cuteness. He stumbles over thin air again this time crashing into me, pushing me into my car hard making me groan.
"Oops sorry..." he giggles like a child looking down at me. I roll my eyes at him laughing lightly as I push him off me, taking his hand in mine.

"Come on.." I smile at him shaking my head at him before walking round to the other side of the car. I open the passenger door and he kisses me on the cheek before climbing into the car. I laugh lightly before shutting the door behind me before getting in the other side.

"Did I wake you?" He slurs as I start the car. I pull my belt over me and he does the same before I pull away.

"No, even if you did I wouldn't care Harry" I laugh lightly and he puts his hand on my knee squeezing it gently.

"You just look a little tired" he says and I sigh.

"Stress" I mutter laughing awkwardly. Eva's voice rings through my head as soon as I said it.

Tell him.
Just say it.

"Stress? Why would you be stressed?" He asks looking at me with slight concern. I ponder with the thought of telling him for a second glancing over at him. Now wasn't the time. He was drunk and I didn't think now was the right time. He wouldn't take it well in the state he was in. Not that he would take it well in general but now was not the time.

"Okay-" I stop when he opens the window sticking his head out. I frown at his actions sighing when he opens his mouth nearly choking on the air hitting his face.
"Shut the window and I'll tell you" I say to him as I pinch his arm trying to get his attention.

"Tell me" He presses looking back at me before shutting the window.

"I just said that to get you to shut the window" I say rolling my eyes at him making him sigh glaring over at me.

"I'll jump out" he warns and I laugh lightly.

"Go for it" I joke before pressing the child lock button on the side door beside me. Good luck with that Harry. He reaches for the door handle pulling it only for it not to budge.

"Child lock? Really?" He turns to me and I roll my eyes at his childishness.

"Can we just change the subject? Why the hell are you drunk anyway? It's Tuesday, we have classes tomorrow" I say to him and he groans in annoyance.

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