Chapter Thirty Six- Rough Love

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Chapter 36

Amy's POV

3 days later

"Good Morning Mom" I greet my Mom as I enter the kitchen kissing her on the cheek as she reads her book at the table whilst eating some fruit. I had been staying at my Mom and Dad since Thursday, and the three days I've been here have been better than going home. I've turned my phone off because I had certain people ringing me none stop who I quite frankly don't want to talk to. My Mom still doesn't know what has gone on but I think she thinks it's something to do with a boy. I'm not in the position to correct her right now. I've slept in the spare room after going home and collecting my stuff. I went to The Serpents Diner afterwards to make sure by the time I got back to my Mom's everyone would have left. Which they had and I was more than glad.

"Good morning, I've left you some fresh fruit in a bowl there if you like with some Greek yogurt" she tells me as she points to bowl on the side. I smile and thank her before picking up the bowl and fork and plonking myself next to my Mom at the table. I pour the yogurt on top of my fruit and I wave to my Dad who is pottering around in the garden outdoors.

"You look very pretty, going somewhere?" She asks as she looks my outfit up and down. I look down at my outfit which consisted of some ripped jeans and a mustard yellow top.

"I just thought maybe we could go do something today? Maybe go to the mall or-" she shuts me down by cutting me off

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"I just thought maybe we could go do something today? Maybe go to the mall or-" she shuts me down by cutting me off.

"No no. Not until you tell me why your here. I've given you three days to tell me in your own time but I have to say I am awfully confused. Is it a boy?" She asks and I roll my eyes.

"I'm fine, it's nothing I just needed a break from everything in the house and I know I'm your favourite child so thought I would come entertain you" I lie as a smile at her cheekily.

"I don't buy it chica, but I will not push" she says with her Spanish accent prominent on her English words. I smile at her and she nods.
"So shopping? Will you be paying?" She says and I laugh lightly.

"Yes-" I'm cut off by the doorbell ringing through the house.
"I'll get it" I say as I finish the banana I was eating.

"It's probably David with the post!" My mum shouts through the house to me as walk though the long hallway as the doorbell rings again. I get to the door and open it causing my heart to drop. Before anything could be said I quickly try to close the door.

"Wait wait wait- Amy please, give me 5 minutes to explain please?" Harry's hand stops the door mid way causing me to sigh. I look behind me before slowly letting go of the door.

"What are you doing here? How did you know I was even here?" I sigh as I let the door fall open a little more. He steps back and clears his throat.


"Amy who is it?-" I hear my Mom come up behind me causing me to sigh. Fuck. This isn't what I need.
"Oh Harry! Uh Klaus isn't here right now but I was just making breakfast, would you like to come in?" She asks him as she opens the door wider. I sigh and move away from the door and go back into the kitchen leaving Harry with my Mom. Why is he here? Did he not get the hint when I never replied to his texts? Or did he not get the hint when I never answered his calls either? Or did he not get the hint when I never answered all three of them? I sit down on the kitchen counter next to the cooker with a glass of water as I hear my Mom talking to Harry about god knows what.

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