Chapter Twenty Five- Goodnight

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Chapter 25

Harry's POV

"What are you doing here?" Klaus slurs his words as he glares at me when I enter the kitchen. He looks absolutely smashed and a little bit pissed off too.

"I live here" I say as I shut the kitchen door behind me. He sits staring at the bottle of vodka he has in his hand picking at the label before shooting me a glare.
"I got bored and came home" I roll my eyes as I sit on the worktop by the cooker across from him.

"You got bored at a party? Yeah right..."

"Wasn't really in the mood tonight if I'm being honest, anyway why are you home early where's everyone else?" I ask.

"Me and Jade had a fight so I left and I guess the rest of the lads are still there" he explains before taking a gulp from the bottle.

"You had a fight? What about?" I ask.

"She was talking to some drug dealer outside earlier on apparently and bought drugs but when I asked her about it she denied it all but with the way she was acting falling all over the place and shit I would put money on it that she was. So I kicked off and stormed out" he explained and I frown. Drugs? Wait a second Jade was with Amy outside she probably knows a few drug dealers could that have anything to do with it?

"Drugs? But I swear she was with your sister most the night?" I say seen as Klaus doesn't know about Amy taking drugs a while back I'll keep it that way.

"I know I tried to find her to ask her about it but apparently no one has seen her for a hour or something" he shakes his head and I instantly feel bad.
"Have you seen her?" He asks me and I literally freeze. I'm not good at lying especially to Klaus he will see right through me. Fuck.

"Uh no last time I saw her was truth or dare" I lie. He nods and I get away with it but I still can't help but think if Jade was with Amy maybe they both bought drugs. Klaus told me about Jade falling all over the place and Amy came to me saying she had fallen is that me thinking too much into it or what? She wouldn't be on drugs I thought she was doing better than that?

"Well if Jade has been on drugs I don't doubt my sister is involved as well, they both influence each other to do stupid shit so it wouldn't surprise me at all"

"I didn't realise they were like that" I lie.

"Yeah well some people just aren't who they say they are" he smiles sarcastically being taking a long chug from he vodka. Clearly this is something that means a lot to him that's why he is so annoyed I don't blame him but it might not even be true yet who knows?

"Klaus you don't even know if it's true yet or not-" I'm cut off talking sense into him when Klaus' phone rings loudly making him jump. He takes out his phone and rolls his eyes.

"It's my sister" he says before answering the phone. Shit I didn't text Amy to leave surely she would of just gone right? I fucking hope so. How could I have forgotten? Fuck.

"What" he answers putting it on speaker phone before placing it on the table.

"Who the fuck do you think you are Klaus? I can't believe you right now are you fucking insane or something? You honestly think Jade is on drugs?" I hear Amy screaming down the phone at her brother she obviously did go home and see Jade.

"That's what I was told yes and if you haven't noticed I'm not stupid I know what someone looks like on drugs and she was the spit" he yells back at her and I cringe.

"She's drunk Klaus she would never touch any of that shit you asshole" Amy spits and I can hear some mumbling in the background, probably Jade crying or some shit.

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