Chapter Seventy Seven- Ruining The Moment

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Chapter 77

Harry's POV

Seeing her cry pushed me over the edge.
I was fucking raging with anger after she had told me everything Klaus had said to her. But as of right now I had to be there for her. I had to comfort her. I had to be the one she could confide in. She needed me and I was going to be there for her for as long as she wanted.
By the time the morning rolled around I decided not to wake Amy as I realised how much I liked just holding her in the morning. She was snoring and slobbering all over my chest but I didn't care. It was kinda cute I guess? I switched the TV on and put it on low as I checked through the messages on my phone as she stirred slightly against my chest. I scrolled through my front screen seeing a number of messages off my Mum and also off Nick.

From Nick- Have you thought about the plan?

The first one was short and to the point before the second one was sent about 20 minutes afterwards.

From Nick- You need to make a decision soon, they aren't going to wait around for you to make an offer because they have plenty of others waiting for that same place bro.

I roll my eyes at the message quickly scrolling to the next one, trying not to think about the whole situation.

From Nick- I don't know why you aren't answering my texts but I swear to god Styles you are getting on my last nerve

I laugh lightly to myself seeing how seriously pissed he was at me for not answering and decided to write back.

To Nick- Chill. I was asleep- ever heard of a time difference? Besides I don't know what your talking about, I haven't made an offer yet- call me I cba typing

I press send before scrolling to the messages from my Mum and sister.

From Mum- Nick has been trying to get a hold of you, do I need to be worried? Is everything okay? x

I smile at her text before writing back instantly not wanting to worry her further.

To Mum- Everything's Fine, I've spoken to Nick- no need to worry x

I send the text before scrolling down to Gemma's text, knowing it probably is something pretty stupid. She always tried to send me dumb memes or like YouTube videos that were like 'try not to laugh'. I mean they were pretty funny but I would never admit that to her.

From Gemma- Can you show this to Amy and ask her if she likes it please? I need help

I roll my eyes at her message. Just as I predicted. Dumb. I look at the little picture attached seeing that it was a picture of some boots that looked like they were very expensive. Something I knew Amy would probably want herself.

To Gemma- Show it her yourself, here's her number 07732668907

I press send just as my phone started to vibrate and ring loudly. My eyes widen as Amy stirs, the last thing I wanted is for her to wake up as she didn't get much sleep last night because she was so worked up and upset about everything that had gone on. I knew we still had stuff to work out between us but I just felt like right now wasn't the time. I had to be there for her through this whole thing with Klaus and maybe it could help me gain her trust again.

Nicks name lights up my screen and I quickly answer it pressing it to my ear.

"Hello?" I whisper in the speaker.

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