Chapter Tweleve- If You Over Step The Line

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Chapter twelve

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Chapter twelve

Harry's POV

Despite my mind running wild with a thousand questions I kept quiet as I sat on Amy's bed as she was getting changed in her closet. Her bedroom was a lot bigger than the ones in our house and it shocked me that she had a bathroom and closet to herself and so did her roommate. I flicked through my phone as Amy was humming away quiet loudly. I had so many questions about the drug stuff but I felt like it wasn't my place to ask to be honest.

"Right so I think I'm ready will you just pass me my shoes" Amy asks, snapping me out of my train of thoughts. I look from my phone to see what she's on about and get a little distracted when seeing her in a small black dress the hugged her figure perfectly and had a lace collar with long black sleeves. I shake my head and follow her finger to the large heeled boots she was pointing at as she put some earrings in. I grab the shoes reaching over the bed and place them in front of her.

"How the fuck can you even walk in them things?" I ask as I sit in the end of the bed, looking up at her.

"You don't, you sort of shuffle" she says and I laugh. Her hair is natural in little waves and her legs are elongated as she puts her shoes on making her much taller.

"You like nice" I say and she raises an eyebrow.


"Yeah you look beautiful but your still 5 foot smaller than me even with those heels on" I say, trying to cover up the fact that I called her beautiful. I seem to be doing that a lot lately, I just can't seem to stop myself.

"Not 5 foot" she shakes her head.


"2?" She crosses her arms over her chest.

"No 4" I say and she rolls her eyes making me smile cause I've won.

"Can we just go? I get it I'm short" she groans walking towards the door. I laugh at her childish behaviour as she sulks standing by the door but get up anyway. I see her phone is on her night stand, charging, I'm pretty sure she might need it so I pick it up when she walks out the door just as I speak.

"I'm joking- Amz your phone" I jog a little t catch her up, shutting the door behind me as I pass her the phone.

"Thanks" she smiles as we get to the bottom of the stairs. Klaus and Jade are talking quietly to one another before catch there attention causing them to turn our way.

"Have a nice night guys" I say as we walk towards the door.

"Bye Harry... wait your- where are you going?" Jade narrows her eyes at Amy as we stand by the door rather closely. I notice and shuffle back a little as Amy glares at Jade.

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