Chapter Sixty Two- Harry's Girl

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Chapter 62

Amy's POV

3 days later

"Amy?" I hear Eva speak through the door as I watch re-runs of anything I could find on TV. Something called catfish I don't know, but it was alright. I wasn't really paying attention so who cares.
"Can I come in?" She knocks again when I don't answer. I hear the door handle twist before I see her pop her head round the corner. She smiles at me sympathetically and I sigh.
"Hey..." She says as she shits the door behind her. Me and Eva had gotten so close the past few weeks it was unreal. She was the only person I wanted to see right now. Even over Jade.
"I brought you some tea and a sandwich" she says as she places the tea down on the bed side table.

"I'm not hungry" I say as I pull the duvet up to my chin. I don't know how long I had been laid here but I knew I wanted to stay here all day.

"You have to eat" she says as sits on the bed holding the plate out to me.
"You've ate 2 slices of toast in three days" She says rolling her eyes at me.
"Your going to make yourself sick" she says and I look down at the food. It honestly made me want to be sick at the thought of eating but I knew she was going to push it.
"Eat" she persists and I roll my eyes sitting up.

"Thank you" I say as I take the plate from her.

"How are you feeling today?" She asks and I shrug as I stare at the food.

"Fine" I lie.

Gosh was I far from fine.

"Good, I'm taking you out tonight" she says and I frown.

"What? No" I shake my head.
"Absolutely not" I say as she rolls her eyes.

"I'm not taking no for an answer" she says and I raise an eyebrow at her.
"You've sat in this room for three days moping and feeling sorry for yourself blah blah blah-" she rolls her eyes.
"Time to fucking man up" she says and I frown.
"Everyone's asking about you, you can't shut everyone out just because you went through a bad time" she sighs and I roll my eyes.

"Watch me"

"I'm serious!" She hits me on the arm.
"Everyone's gonna be there-"

"That's exactly why I'm not coming" I snap pushing the food away from me.

"You don't have a choice" she says and I sigh rolling my eyes. I wasn't going. No way.
"Look, What happened... was fucking awful and I can't imagine how your feeling. But I'm not going to let you sit here and mope around about someone who isn't fucking worth it-"

"That not true-" I try to say but she cuts me off giving me a stern look.

"It is! You deserve better-"

"I loved him, that can't just go away Eva" I sigh and she pauses. I knew she was trying to be supportive but at the same time I couldn't just forget what I had with Harry. It meant the world to me. Until he threw it in my face.

"I know! I'm just saying... I'm not letting you hit this downward spiral. I've been there and I swear to you I was at the lowest point in my life, I literally had no one. And I won't let you make the same mistake. You have me. All the girls are worried about you and the lads- I know it's hard and you want to sit and cry all the time but you can't- sometimes you just have to pick yourself up and power through the pain" she says and I sit and listen carefully.
"Your one of the strongest people I know. If I was you I would of keyed his car or something-"

"Oh I've thought about it" I laugh lightly making her smile. This was probably the first time I had cracked a smile in three days.

"See that's what I like to see!" She laughs.
"Fuck him" she says and I laugh lightly.
"Fuck her- your better than this" she says and I sigh at the mention of her. The smile fades from my face and I can't help but look down at my hands as I go quiet.

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