Chapter Thirty Eight- Soft Spots

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Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Amy's POV

"Give me the remote I swear to god I will-"

"You will what? Fight me? Good luck with that gnome" Harry laughs in my face as he holds the remote over his head as we both sit on the couch in the cinema room my Dad had built in our house. My Mom and Dad had been gone for about 2 hours now and Harry and I had been sat watching Game of Thrones for the same amount of time. We were in the middle of eating our pizza when Harry decided he wanted to watch the Packers game he wouldn't shut up about. By now we were both in just lounge wear, Harry was wearing some grey joggers and a black t-shirt whilst I was wearing some grey joggers also with a baby pink long sleeve velvet crop top.
I gasp at his choice of words and move to the opposite end of the couch folding my arms over my chest and crossing my legs. He laughs at me but doesn't change the channel instead he throws the remote next to him.

"Oh don't do that..." he sighs clearly trying not to laugh. I sigh completely ignoring him causing him to snigger.
"Your mad because I called you small?" He laughs and I frown.
"Come on... You know your small-"

"I am not a gnome!" I yell at him causing him burst out laughing. I sigh getting frustrated with him and decide to pick up the pillow next to me and start hitting him with it.

"Hey- Ow! Stop!" He yells in between laughs as I hit him with a pillow.

"Say sorry..." I yell back to him as he laughs harder.

"What? No! Fuck-Ow! Alright alright I'm sorry!" He says and I pull the pillow away from him. I see him still laughing as I find myself on top of him now making me smile.
"Your strong for a midget" he laughs and I hit him square in the chest causing him to groan in pain.

"You said you'd stop!" I say to him and he laughs lightly.

"But it's funny!-"

"No it's not!" I groan.

"I think it's cute that your polly pocket sized-"

"Right you are sleeping in your car" I sigh getting up off of him and moving to the other end of the couch.

"I'm kidding! You know I don't mean it" He says as he follows me.

"Just because I'm not Jack and the Beanstalk sized doesn't mean I couldn't take you, you act like I'm weak" I say to him and he laughs lightly.

"You hit like a 4 year old though!" He laughs and I roll my eyes.

"Is that a challenge? I bet you 20 dollars I could take you" I challenge him with a cocky smirk on my face.

"Fine and if you loose?" He smirks and I pause for a second.

"If I loose- which I won't-"

"If you loose you- you have to clean my car for the month" he laughs and I roll my eyes.

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