Chapter Eighty One- 2935 Miles

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So guys I'm going to start putting these questions in at the end of each chapter so I can get a little feedback off you guys.
The more questions answered the quicker the updates!
I love you all! X

PS - I'm sorry- A x

Chapter 81

Amy's POV

I felt my heart sink into the bottom of my stomach as the tears start to prick my eyes.

He was leaving.

He lied to me.

He lied to everyone. He kept this from me. I couldn't believe it.

I drop the letters on the desk in shock just as the door swings open.

"Hey sorry I'm late-" Harry enters the room shutting the door behind him before he looks up at me. I couldn't even look at him.
"What?" He looks to me and I stare down at the papers in front of me. It's like my world just fell apart in seconds.
"What are you doing?" He drops his bags at he door rushing over to me as I stare at the letters on the page re-reading over everything I had just read. I almost couldn't believe this was happening.

"Your leaving?" I whisper in disbelief without even looking up at him.

"What?" He frowns as he stands across from me looking down at what I was looking at. He quickly notices and grabs the papers from in front of me.
"Why would you open that?" He snaps at me causing me to look up at him with teary eyes.

"Your leaving?" I whisper trying to hold back the tears from falling. His angry expression drops into the face I knew all too well. He looked gutted. Sad. Upset.

"Amy.." he breathes out looking down at the papers in his hands.
"I can explain" he sighs and I shake my head looking up at him sucking my tears back.

"When were you going to tell me?" I breath out pushing back my tears as I feel confusion and anger start to mix together and take over me.

"I haven't made the decision-" he tries to say but I cut him off loosing my temper.

"Cut the shit Harry! Your notes say you were going to sign! You left reminders for yourself to sign them!" I stand up from the desk pointing to the notes written on his papers in his hands.
"Is this why you've been acting so weird?" I snap and he looks down at the papers in his hand.

"This wasn't how this was meant to happen" he mutters and I laugh in disbelief. I could feel myself becoming defensive as I put my wall back up from instantly getting hurt.

"So it's true?" I gape and he looks away from me without a word confirming my worst fears. It was true.
"Oh my god-" I gasp as I run a hand through my hair in frustration.
"And to think I was going to-" I stop myself shaking my head as I basically choke on my words.

"What?" Harry stares at me in confusion. I sigh shaking my head as I get the grips with what was really happening. He needed to know.

"The letter I got off Mrs Everly" I snap harshly and he frowns.
"I got into Stanford" I say and his eyes widen making me look to the ground in embarrassment.
"I was going to give up Stanford for you" I sigh as the room falls silent.

"What?" He whispers and I nod slowly. God I felt so stupid. I should of known this. How could I have been so oblivious?

"I was going to tell you tonight" I sigh shaking my head.
"But-" He cuts me off.

"Stanford as in Cali-"

"California, Yeah" I stop him as he looks me dead in eye.

"That's two thousand-"

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