Chapter Sixty Four- Symbolism

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Changing it up guys- Harry's POV is here.

Chapter 64

Harry's POV

I sigh as I feel her brush past me leaving me stood there looking like and idiot. I look down feeling others start to disburse around me. Was I supposed to go after her? I had no idea. I didn't know right from wrong nowadays. I wanted nothing more than just to talk to her and explain everything but I couldn't. She wouldn't give me the time of day. I called and text but she wouldn't budge. I didn't know she was going to be here tonight. I thought she would spit in the face of this party celebrating my fucking existence. It wasn't needed. I didn't want to come. After my bust up with Klaus I kinda uninvited myself from the whole thing. But my friends dragged me here. I wasn't happy but then again I didn't deserve to be after what I did.

There was more to the story about the whole Victoria thing but I didn't know if any of it would even matter any more. I just didn't know what to do. This wasn't how this week was supposed to go. I missed her. I missed everything about her. From her pouty face when I told her no, to the way she would sing Usher in the shower. I would do anything to hear that again even knowing how god awful it was.

I wanted to tell her everything but I couldn't. I couldn't get my chance. She didn't want to see me never mind speak to me and I don't blame her. Nothing I could do would make up for what I did. But I had to try. After Klaus found out we broke up he confronted me but I was shock to find out that he didn't actually know the reason why. Jade stood there knowing the full story but shook her head. She hadn't told him. She didn't want him to find out. I didn't either but he started on me because he heard she was really upset about it and Jade had told him that I had moved on. Which was not the case. But it was better than him finding out what really happened. Things got heated but I can't imagine what would happen if he ever found out what really happened.

This whole time I was supposed to be having fun and spending time with my family but I couldn't. I was horrible to be around. I wasn't in the mood for anyone. Even my Mum stayed to pick up on it. She was questioning me constantly and Gemma was onto me big time. I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to tell them what happened because I guess a part of me still had hope. Hope that maybe- just maybe she would give me a second chance.

Not that I deserved it.

But I was selfish enough to take it.

I sigh debating whether or not to go after her and just couldn't help myself. I turn around just as Louis steps in front of me.

"Bro- What are you doing?" He asks as he pushes his hand against my chest. I frown as his hand pressed my chest. It angered me. Most things angered me these days.

"I'm going after her, what the fuck does it look like?" I say as I push his hands off me. Who the fuck does he think he is?

"Just leave her, your only going to make it worse" he says as his rolls his eyes at me. What was his problems he just expects me to leave her?

"Fuck off mate- that's my girlfriend" I push him in the chest as he squares up to me. Did he want a fight? I couldn't be arsed with this right now but if he had a problem he should just say.

"Ex..." he spits.
"Ex-girlfriend" he laughs lightly and I sigh getting worked up.

"Fuck off" I spit as I push him out my way angrily. I just couldn't help myself. He was pissing me off.

"Harry! Chill..." Louis says just as Eva moves in front of me stopping me from going any further. Where did she come from? I thought she left when Zac did.

"What's going on?" She asks and I frown. I just needed to see her. Why was that so hard?

"Eva just let me talk to her" I sigh in frustration.

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