Chapter Thirteen- Spare Room

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Chapter Thirteen

Amy's POV

I still didn't know what I was really doing here to be honest. This party was crazier than any I've been to, there are tons more people here, the house is massive and most of all there are fucking drugs being thrown here there and everywhere. Luckily enough I found an old friend that I use to live next door to, Kylie and she's been keeping me company after I lost Harry and Niall.

Speaking of which, I hadn't seen Harry the whole time I'd been here which was round about four hours. He said he wanted to talk but there's been no talking done and I'm pretty sure he's forgotten about me. I didn't care actually because I was having a great time. I have to admit that I'm not clean. And what I mean by that is the fact that yeah I smoked weed and did a line of Coke but that's it. Isn't that progress? I don't know, but anyway no ones stopping me and I feel great. Kylie and I haven't really spoke to many other people at this party because we were too busy catching up with each other and just getting drunk.

Kylie is the life and soul of this party for me and Harry's whereabouts have partially slipped my mind. Kylie and I sat in the massive garden that had a huge pool and waterfall just in the corner that was heaved with people. Kylie was telling me about her boyfriend problems whilst we sat on the waterfall edge, dangling our feet over the rocks that was a few feet from the pool. By now my heels were gone and I had no idea where I put them.

"He won't even speak to me, I don't know what I did because he won't tell me! I mean how are we suppose to fix this shit when I don't even know what I'm fixing?" She sighs taking a sip from her cup.

"He sounds like an asshole if you ask me" I roll my eyes and she laughs lightly. Kylie is a beautiful girl don't get me wrong but she's very plastic in a way. I don't mean it in a nasty way but she is. It suits her though. However her personality is genuine and she's so down to earth it's unreal and I respect that about her.

"I wanna call him but I feel like I'm pestering him and that's the last thing I want" she says whilst playing with the hem of her skirt.

"Why don't you ask him to come pick you up so you guys can talk? I'm sure he'd do that if he thinks your drunk out of your mind and have no way of getting back" I suggest.

"I don't wanna lie to him" she shakes her head.

"Well he's obviously not going to talk to you any other way you don't really have that much of a choice here" I say.

"I'm having a g-"

"Ow what the hell?" I pull my hand away that I was leaning back with when someone stands on it. I look up and see a tall girl in a blue dress and flats looking down at me.

"Shit I'm so sor- you look very familiar, do I know you?" She says with a strong British accent, or is it Australian? I don't know I can't tell. I look at her skeptically for a second but I can't put a name to a face.

"I don't think so, but thanks for standing on my hand anyway" I roll my eyes.

"Oh god yes, I'm sorry about that I honestly didn't see you" she apologises.

"It's fine don't worry about it" I shrug. Kylie laughs next to me and I nudge her in arm to shut her up.

"Are you sure we've never met before? I'm Gemma, I don't know if that helps?" She says. I rack my brain but I can't think of anything.

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