Chapter Three- Peach

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Chapter three

Amy's POV

Apparently when Harry meant 'let's go grab something to eat' he didn't just mean the two of us, he meant a few others.

A few others who hated my guts.

We arrived at this strange cafe like place that was actually a small bar with a restaurant shoved in the back. It dripped with cigarette smoke and the stench of sweat was quite strong. Harry told me to ignore all the weird old men staring at me like a piece of meat but I couldn't help but walk a little closer to Harry than usual not wanting to loose him. When we got into the back where tables and red chaired booths were set out in corners, I instantly wished  I was back in the other room with the creepy men. Not only had Harry decided to invite my brother, he invited Evie, Kylie and Louis. Each of them all hated me for some odd reason.

"Harry what took you so lo- Amy? Dude isn't that your sister?" Louis nudges my brother in the arm to catch his attention seen as he was too busy sucking Kylie's face off to notice our presence.

"Amy? What the hell are you doing here?" Klaus furrows his eyebrows as he quickly pulls away from Kylie to look in our direction.

"I uh-"

"She needed a lift home and I offered but I thought we should stop by here first" Harry cut my off giving me a 'just go with it' look. Why did he need to lie? Was he ashamed that he asked me have lunch with him? Or was he just ashamed to even socialise with me what so ever?

"Oh alright, we ordered you drink man but we didn't realise you'd be bring an- Uh well a friend so yeah..." Louis trailed off looking at me apologetically and confused at the same time.

"It's fine I better go actually-" I try and go to leave but Evie decides to speak up. I know Evie hates me due to the apparent rumour that I slept with her boyfriend, which I didn't. Evie wasn't so bad but she was just quite annoying.

"Why? You just got here" she says, narrowing her eyes at me. Out of everyone at the table I would of thought Evie would be the first to get rid of me.


"Come, I'll get you a drink" Harry interrupted me once again whilst grabbing my forearm and pulling me away from the table. Harry's odd behaviour was off putting. I felt weirded out by his strange behaviour since I'd never experienced this side of Harry, actually I never really even talked to Harry before this week unless we were arguing or he came to find Klaus.

Harry ordered me a Coke at the bar and I sat down on the bar stool preparing myself to interrogate him about what happened back there. He beat me to it though.

"Look before you say anything, I only lied to them to save the follow up questions that were inevitable" he insisted just as I was about to open my mouth to speak.

"Why did you bring me here? My brothers here Harry and-"

"Why does that even matter? It's just Klaus, he doesn't seem to care" he cuts me off just as the bartender places the drink in front of me.

"I need to leave" I roll my eyes at him.

"Why? How are you even going to get home-"

"I don't know! You should of told me they would be here and t-" I raise my voice slightly clearly showing my frustration towards him and his actions.

"I'm sorry alright? It was a last minute thing, I didn't think you'd care" he shrugged making me laugh lightly in disbelief. What an asshole.

"Well I do and I'm leaving" I huff pushing myself off the stool, jumping down onto the tiled floor.

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