Chapter Ninety Three- Birthday

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Short chapter to keep you guys doing till I've finished with the big last ones- A x

Chapter 93

The next day

Amy's POV

"Come on..." Eva whines as she tugs at my arm trying to pull me out of bed.

"No Eva, I don't want to come" I mumble into my pillow as she pesters me further.

"Why not? We've barely seen you for like a week!" She says as I roll over onto my back looking up at her. My pizza box was still on my bed, along with the empty litre bottle of Fanta Lemon that I had drowned my sorrows in last night.

Makes a change from me drowning my sorrows with Coke, right? If you get me...

"I've been busy" I lie and she rolls her eyes at me getting up off the bed.

"Your coming" she snaps and I roll my eyes.

"No I'm not, why can't you just leave me alone?" I groan and she glares at me as she walks towards the door.

"Because your my friend and I'm not gonna sit here and let you mope" she says simply making me roll my eyes again.

"I didn't ask for your permission, I can do what I want" I snap a little harshly at her.

"It's your birthday for fuck sake! Get up! Get dressed! We are going out in 30 minutes" she says and I roll my eyes pulling the covers over my head in frustration.
"If your not ready, I'll bring the party to you- Got it?" She says and I frown instantly sitting up


"30 minutes!" She yells before the door shuts behind her.

My birthday. Something I did not care to celebrate this year at all. But no one seem to get the memo. Eva had been pestering me all day about going out tonight for my birthday but I didn't want to go. I didn't want to stand in a room full of people who were either judging me for sleeping with my Brother's Best Friend Or People who would bring up Harry and ask me a million questions or the worst type of people who would be awfully nice to me because they feel sorry for me now he broke up with me.

I'm sure the word had gotten around by now.

That was besides the point, I wasn't in the mood to party, I would be happy sitting on my own with a pizza watching shit on TV as I try to not cry over how hard I'm hurting inside.

I just felt empty. I felt nothing. Nothing but pain and heartbreak. The one person who I had ever truly opened up to, the one person I ever truly loved had just broken my heart into a million and one pieces.


I didn't know what I actually expected from Harry, and this whole moving situation. I guess I just thought we would spend as much time as we possibly could together before everything changed. But clearly he had other ideas. We had 2 weeks left with each other and he couldn't wait 2 weeks to tell me he wanted to break up? And then he asks to be friends with me? What does he expect from me honestly? I'm so confused. I would of preferred it if he just left on a good note and then just broke up with me via text. The fact that he was so selfish enough to do it 2 weeks before he actually left was making me form him barrier of hatred and disappointment towards him. I wanted to tell him how much pain I was actually in because of his selfish actions, but I knew I had to be strong.

I had spent the past week wallowing in self pity and heartbreak when really I could of spent it with him making the most of our time together.

But no.

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